Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Call of God the Father to His Faithful People.

Humanity is about to enter the stage of the Great Purification.


My inheritance, peace to you.

People of Mine, remain prayerful and vigilant because My instants of Mercy are coming to their end. I will wait until the last second of My Mercy is exhausted, before giving way to My Justice; I am waiting like a good Father, the return of My Prodigal Sons.

You well know that I am not pleased with the death of My creatures, I wish on the contrary that the sinner repents of his sin and returns to Me.

Ungrateful and sinful humanity, I am waiting for you, do not leave Me with the prepared banquet, already the table is being served and is waiting for the guests.

Do not be afraid, remember that I am more of a Father than of a Judge and what I wish for is your salvation. I have sent My invitation with My messengers and the only thing I ask for is that you come neat, clean of all stains, so that you can shine the clothes that will accredit you as My guests.

Do not delay because the night is coming, hurry up and do not leave My invitation for the last moment: because if you let the night to advance, when you arrive at the Feast, the doors of My Kingdom you will find closed, and there will be no one to listen to you.

My children, the days of the trial are approaching where everything will be chaos and confusion; humanity is about to enter the stage of the great purification. Those who are not prepared for it, are going to be lost.

The tribulation will give no respite, you will be tested as the same as gold is tested in fire; your faith will be put to the test and only the winners will be able to inhabit My New Creation. My New Heavens and My New Earth, await My Faithful People. Thus, My children, days of purification await you in all areas of your life.

My people, strengthen your mind with prayer, because it will be the main battlefield. Close with the confession and reparation of your mortal sins, all the open spiritual doors, so that demons cannot make you be lost. Do not lose your mind with the mental attacks, pray and trust, and Heaven will come to your aid.

Offer the setbacks of each day as an offering of love to your Father, for your purification; be very patient and tolerant, because everything in your life is going to be knocked down. Rebuke at all times the attacks of the evil one, so that his darts do not destroy your spiritual strengths.

Remember that the battle is spiritual and the weapons are spiritual, keep this in mind, so that you will not enter the battle with the demons, making use of material weapons, because for sure you will be easy prey of My adversary. Trust in God and remain steadfast in faith, and so you will be victorious in the trials of each day.

Stay in My Peace, People of Mine, My inheritance.

Your Father, Yahweh.

My people, let My messages be known to all humanity

Source: ➥
