Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Urgent call of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to His Pastors and to His Church in General.

No layman can touch My Body and My Blood.


My children, My peace be with you.

My little Prophet, I feel very sad for all the outrages, desecrations and sacrileges that are being committed daily against My Divinity in many of My Houses; all this, because of the comfort of many of My Pastors who allow Me to be outraged by hands that are not consecrated by the Priestly Ministry.

Once again, I say to you, My Body and My Blood, can only be touched by the consecrated hands of My Priests and Ministers: Bishops, Cardinals and the Pope. No layman can touch Me, nor he can manipulate My Sacred Tools.

The Chalice where I remain in the Tabernacle, can only be touched by My Priests, only to them I have given the power to do so, not consecrated hands commit sacrilege.

My faithful children, do not allow this outrage, talk to My Priests and tell them that they only, can touch Me. I feel very sad when the time to give Myself as food to My flock comes and I am manipulated and touched, by hands that are not worthy to touch Me.

More suffering I have when My Priest sits down and delegates to My lay children the Sacrament of Communion.

Thousands of particles of My Body and My Blood fall daily to the ground and are trampled, for not using the communion tray. Many of My children, for lack of knowledge, commit daily sacrilege for receiving me unworthily or in mortal sin.

Millions of My young people fornicate with their partners for ignorance of My Commandments, and then they come in My day of precept and without confessing, they come to receive Me in communion.

How much evangelization is needed in My Church, on the subject of My Commandments!

I tell you: everyone who receives Holy Communion in mortal sin is eating and drinking the cup of his own condemnation.

Flock of Mine, you must have Confession at least once a month or immediately, when you commit mortal sin; and you must receive Holy Communion at the least every week on My Day of obligation.

When you have not made a Confession for a long time and you are receiving My Communion, you commit sacrilege; because you well know that the most evil is your thinking and with it you sin daily.

Many of My children have not had a Confession in years and every week, in My day of precept, they have Communion.

I tell you that you are committing sacrilege and you are Guilty, for this outrage to My Divinity. Remember what My Word says: This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. (Matthew 15. 8)

Pastors of My Flock evangelize My people and talk to them about My 10 Commandments, because much evangelization is lacking, on this transcendental subject. An infinity of profanations and outrages are being committed against My Divinity, which sadden My Loving Heart.

Once again I say unto you pastors of My flock: only to you I gave the power and the charisma to guide My people and to feed them; you are responsible before Me, for all the outrages and profanations that I receive daily from My lay children.

I ask you: what will you answer Me tomorrow when you are present before Me? I am outraged daily in many of My houses and many of you do nothing to help fix it. Your silence and indifference will judge you tomorrow.

Reflect pastors of My flock and do not continue to allow such a vile violation against My Divinity. Remember, to whom much is given, much will be asked for; keep these words in your mind, meditate on them and put them into practice, so that tomorrow when you are present before Me, I do not have to say to you: I do not know you, get away from Me!

My Peace I leave you, my Peace I give you. Repent and convert, because the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Your Teacher, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Beloved, Who is not Loved.

My children, let My message be known to My pastors and to My flock.

Source: ➥
