Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Very urgent call from Jesus the Good Shepherd to His flock. Message to Enoch.

Support my Popes with prayers and do not leave my Church.


My flock, my peace be with you.

My little Prophet, my Vicar is suffering in silence for the attacks and for the division of my Church. Many Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, no longer obey Him and in many countries the schism has already begun. The College of the Cardinals is divided; there are intrigues and division within them: some in favor and some others against the current Pope.

A group of rebellious Cardinals wants the resignation of the current Pope, and what is worse, they want to celebrate among them a new Conclave, to appoint a new Pope. This is about to happen and in giving it, you know who will sit in Peter's Chair. My flock, I ask you to pray for my two canonically elected Popes, because in breaking loose of the Schism, their lives would be in danger. None of my two existing Vicars is fully accepted inside the Vatican.

The scandals of the Vatican bank, the scandals of pedophilia and impurity, and the new reforms promoted by my Vicar, are the fuse that is about to ignite and that will spark off the most destructive spiritual hecatomb in the whole history of the Church. The Schism is about to burst, millions of souls are going to lose their faith and move away from my Church; only those who have their faith in me will be able to remain steadfast in this approaching spiritual crisis.

My church is going to shake, but it will not fall, because I am the Rock that holds it. In the midst of chaos, a new Pope will be elected, but this one will not come from Me. The antipope will give orders to close my Temples and desecrate my Tabernacles; My daily worship will be suspended and my faithful Flock will be persecuted, imprisoned and tortured. There will be a new inquisition and many of my faithful Children, will die martyrs. As soon as the rebels choose their new Pope, my Vicar will have to flee Rome, because if he does not do so his life is at risk. My Mother's prophecy in Fatima is about to be fulfilled in its entirety.

Sheep of my Flock, pray, fast and do penance, because of the bitter chalice that my Vicar and my Church are to drink. The spiritual crisis is about to burst, I ask you a lot of courage and steadfastness in faith, so that you can cope with these days of my Church purification; that nothing or no one separates you from my Gospel and Doctrine. Remember that all this crisis has been announced to you in advance by my Mother and my Instruments; my Church must be purified for a New Church to be reborn tomorrow; which will be poor, humble and simple, but rich in gifts and charisms of my Holy Spirit. Charismatic Church, totally open and ready to serve my Flock. This will be the Church of my New and Heavenly Jerusalem.

Prepare my flock, for the days of my Church's Calvary have already begun. Support My Popes with your prayers and do not leave my Church; remain steadfast in faith and unite with my Mother with the prayer of the Holy Rosary; making worldwide chain of prayers, so that the gates of hell do not prevail against It. Also pray the exorcism of my Beloved Michael, after the prayer of the Rosary of the sorrowful mysteries, asking for the strengthening of my Church. Cheer up flock of mine, fear not, everything has to be fulfilled as it is written. Heaven and earth will pass, but my Words will not.

Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Your Eternal Shepherd, Jesus the Good Shepherd of all the times.

Give my messages to be known to all mankind, sheep of my flock.

Source: ➥
