Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, January 14, 2019

Urgent call from God the Father to humanity. Message to Enoch.

I will unload the weight of my Justice upon the sinful nations.


My peace, be with you my People, my inheritance.

My Creation is already in full transformation and its commotion will affect all creatures. Very soon you will see many fireballs falling from the sky to different places on Earth; many of them are part of my Justice with which I will punish the ungodly nations. The time of my Mercy is running more and more out, the arrival of my Warning is very little time away. Be prepared People of mine, for the coming of this great event that will change your lives.

Again I say unto you, my Warning will not come in time of peace, but when my Creation and my creatures are going to be more troubled but this has already begun. The Chastisement of Heaven is approaching and it will catch asleep millions of souls spiritually, who continue blindfolded by sin, in giving Me their back and not their face. People of mine who dwell in the wicked nations, listen to my appeal and as Lot and his family did, run away from these sinful nations; because very soon I will unload the weight of my Justice upon them!

The commotion of the universe will make much material of your human technology fall to the ground, interrupting communications in your world for a long period ofaround time. Everything being handled and that revolves around by this technology will become obsolete. Be reasonable children of mine, look how in advance, at all the information that Heaven is giving you, so that tomorrow you will able to survive and to walk safely in the midst of the tribulation.

My Inheritance, the awakening of my Creation is about to be given; the fury of the volcanoes in sequence, will accelerate the birth pangs. There will be no safe place on Earth, because it will be trembling from east to west and from north to south; Its laments, groans and contractions will accompany you up to the birth of the New Creation. Awake inhabitants of the Earth, for the great and terrible day of the Lord is getting near! Don't postpone any longer your conversion, because time is no longer time; hurry up in putting as soon as possible, your accounts in order, because the days of my Justice are coming! Move away from sin and from wickedness, re-take the path of salvation, so that you may live and your souls will not be lost at the passage of my Justice!

The night is coming and very soon all creation will be in darkness, gather in prayer, fasting, and penance: dress in sackcloth and sing mourning chants and say: forgive. O Yahweh your people and do not give your inheritance to ignominy. That the husband leave his room and the spouse her thalamus. (Joel 2.16, 17)

Rebellious and sinful humanity, lukewarm of heart, the time of my Mercy is coming to an end; if you do not leave your sin, rebellion and lukewarmness, I assure you that you are going to be lost eternally. Do not multiply your bondage; open up your hearts more and behave like the publican in the temple, simple and humble of heart in order to attain my Mercy and to be justified tomorrow.

Remain in my Peace, People of mine, my inheritance.

Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of the Universe

Let my messages be known to all mankind, my people.

Source: ➥
