Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Urgent Call of Jesus The Good Shepherd To His flock. Message To Enoch.

A new technology is soon to come out in your world.


My Peace be with you, Sheep of my Flock.

My flock, the bad use of technology is leading millions of souls to perdition; the young ones are the most vulnerable and, as well, the most far away from God. The humanity of these end times find himself absorbed by technology, which is stealing spaces of personal communication and of dialogue between men. The young ones spend all their time looking at their cell phone, this god placed itself into the mind of the youth and it is stealing their souls.

Dialogue, prayer and the healthy family living together are disappearing from families; My young people and my children no longer want to pray or to have a dialogue with their parents; they prefer to be alone, they have adopted the gods of technology as their parents. How sad I am to see so many children, young people and adults, who have exchanged Me for the god of technology! I, who am Love, they deny Me love; I, who give my life for my sheep and I am the keeper who never sleeps to watch over my flock, what today I receive instead, from this humanity, is ingratitude, rejection and forgetfulness. O Humanity deaf and blind, if you do not take off the band that covers your ears and cover your eyes before the time of my Mercy ends, I assure you that you will fall in the depths of the abyss and will die eternally!

My flock, a new technology is soon to come out in your world and this one will totally serve my adversary. Abstain from buying this luciferin technology because it aims to control and to subjugate humanity. The Big Brothers technology is not of this world, it is technology of the underworld, of the fallen angels you call aliens; what they seek with it is to control and to enslave humanity. All Those who make use this technology will be trapped in their mind and during the time of the last reign of my adversary, they will be the first ones to fall.

The world will soon be driven by the technology of the Big Brother, that all will see, control and watch. This technology of evil will rob the soul of millions of human beings and will pave the way for the appearance of the false messiah. The eye of horus who sees everything will be imprinted in it, it is the sign that will identify it; everything will be controlled and monitored, the will of those who use it will be subdued.

Be careful flock of mine in buying the Big Brother technology, because this one has the purpose to rob souls. My adversary through it will take control of families and of all those who use it, privacy will be lost and the spirit of evil that is inside this technology, will make many become lost. Be prepared then, Flock of Mine, for the days of the last reign of my adversary are approaching, where you will walk through the desert of purification. Be alert and vigilant, so you can discover the traps and deceits of my adversary and of his instruments of evil.

My Peace I leave you, my Peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Teacher, Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Let my messages be known to all humankind, sheep of my Flock.

Source: ➥
