Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Urgent call of Maria the Mystical Rose to the People of God. Message to Enoch.

The Schism will begin the final stage of your purification.


Little children of my Heart, the Peace of my Lord be with you and my Protection and Maternal Assistance always accompany you.

Little ones, the evening is beginning to fall and very soon, the night will come; how sad I am in seeing millions of little children, who are still turning their backs on God worried only about the things of this world! If you knew, little children, what is about to come, you would run searching for God and would leave everything for your salvation.

My children, soon everything will change, events will suddenly come and millions of souls will be lost, because they will not have time to repent. The fury of nature will awaken and many places and populations of the earth will disappear. The fire in chain from volcanoes and the fire that comes from the sky will shake all of the creation; the earth will groan with its last birth pangs and will not stop shaking and groaning, until giving birth to the New Creation.

The Continents will merge and only one continent will remain, the sea will disappear in the New Creation it will no longer be there. Everything will be renewed by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit of God; New Heavens and New Earth will be the Paradise created by God, for His Chosen People. Little children, the final stage of your purification is about to begin, I suffer in seeing that the vast majority of humanity, goes on still so relaxed. In fractions of a second, everything will change and what exists will cease to be. If this humanity continues to be blinded by sin and does not wake up from its lethargy, very few will be the ones to inhabit the New Creation.

Little children, pray for the Pope because great is his Calvary; the new reforms that are about to be given will cause the Schism to erupt in my Son's Church. The Schism will begin the final stage of your purification and it will wake up in chain all the other events, described in the Holy Word of God for of the reforms, coupled with the division caused by the cases of pedophilia within the Church, together with the non-conformity towards the Pope by some Cardinals and Theologians, who want to modernize the Church, with reforms that go against the Gospel, the Moral and the Doctrine of Her, are the fuse that is already lit and that will soon cause the Schism to burst.

My little ones, do not abandon the Pope, pray for him; his Pontificate has been one of the most criticized and vituperated one in the entire history of the Church. His cross is very heavy; pray (plead) God for the Pope, so that he may continue to carry the Church's Boat in the midst of such a storm. He is Pastor of the Flock that God chose, to shepherd his sheep and to lead his Church in this end times. Support him with your prayers so that he may finish accomplishing the mission that God has entrusted to him.

Little children, do not waste any more time to go in search of the things of this world; remember that time is no longer time, but Mercy of God. May the search for the salvation of your soul be your highest priority; make the course of your life straight and gather in prayer, fasting and penance; making a good confession before one of my Predilects (the Priests); repairing for all your sins, consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and to unite in prayer to Me, so that together and by the Grace of God, the Reign of my Immaculate Heart be established on earth.

May the Peace of God remain in you, my Beloved Children.

Your Mother loves you, Maria the Mystical Rose

Let my messages be known to all mankind, Little Children of My Heart.

Source: ➥
