Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, July 1, 2019

Urgent call of Jesus of Mercy to His faithful people. Message to Enoch.

I repeat it: I created man and woman.


(Children) of mine, my Peace and my Mercy, always accompany you.

People of mine, the gender ideology is causing confusion and problems of sexual identity in millions of children and young people. This demonic trend is being taught in kindergartens, schools, colleges and other educational institutions; my little ones are being indoctrinated, making them believe that neither sex nor gender exist; that you can be male or female at the same time and they are telling girls and young women the same.

This indoctrination is causing sexual trauma and identity problems in many children and young people. Remember what my Word says: and God created man in his image, in the image of God created him and created them male and female; and God blessed them, saying unto them, Be fertile and multiply (Genesis 1.27-28). I created them male and female and made them different physically, psychologically and sexually. I did not create hermaphrodites, but men and women, so that they would procreate and multiply and thus would extend the human species. A man can never be a woman, nor can a woman be a man; the essence with which they were created is male and female. which also applies to the other creatures.

My children, I díd not create man with a female tendency, nor a woman with a male tendency. I created him strong so that he would dominate the creation and the creatures and I created the woman sweet, affectionate, delicate and I granted her the grace of being a Mother, that she would accompany man and join him and the two were one flesh; that united by the love and the blessing of God, will procreate and multiply to ensure the continuation of the (human) species.

I did not create homosexuals, I repeat it: I created man and woman; homosexuality is an aberration that does not come from Me. Homosexuality is a spirit of sexual impurity that enters at the moment of conception for the sins of sexual impurity of your ancestors; it is a demonic curse that has passed from generation to generation, for not being ministered. The spirit of sexual impurity is a demonic bondage that enters the generations by a curse of impurity of your ancestors. The sexual impurity is the strong spirit that opens the spiritual door for other unclean spirits to enter such as homosexuality, prostitution, adultery, fornication, lust, masturbation, incest, abortion, pornography and the other impure spirits. Homosexuality is an impure spirit of inter-generational characteristic, to say that it comes into generations by ancestors who were homosexuals in the paternal or maternal line.

If you pray my children, for your paternal and maternal family tree and offer Me, in every Holy Eucharist, for 33 days in a row at the time of elevation, the curses of sexual impurity of your generations, I assure you that I will deliver you from these impure spirits, so that you will no longer see impurity in your generations. Do praying, fasting and penance, during the days you attend my 33 Eucharists, so that these impure spirits may be weakened and you to be delivered faster. Pray for your paternal and maternal ancestors, who were sexually impure, so that they and your generations may be liberated.

Ask one of my Ministers, especially an exorcist priest, to bless your generations and to pray for those who show some spirit of impurity in your family; and you will see how they are liberated and they return to their natural status as men or women. Homosexuality and lesbianism are part of impure spirits, which, when liberated, must disappear from your generations. You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free (John 8. 31, 32).

My children, pray for the sexual impurity of your paternal and maternal generations with the Rosary of my Precious Blood and Wounds; attend the 33 Holy Eucharists and consecrate to Me your Paternal and Maternal Genealogical Tree, and I assure you that I will give you victory and freedom, over the impure spirits.

My Peace I leave you, my Peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Teacher, Jesus of the Infinite Mercy.

Let my messages be known and spread the hour of my Mercy at 3 P.M. to the whole world; and the Fount of My Mercy, I will pour out upon you, your families and your ancestors.

Source: ➥
