Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Call of Mary who Sanctifies to the People of God. Message to Enoch.

Confess and repair for all your sins.


Little children of my Heart, the Peace of my Lord be with you all.

Little ones, I call you again to be ready and to be prepared for the arrival of God's Warning. Wake up at once, sinful humanity; do not remain asleep so that this transcendental event catches you in sin! Evil is on the rise, my adversary is on the loose, causing the loss of souls mostly because of the sins of flesh; if Heaven does not send you the Warning soon, many souls will continue to be lost, for they have not wanted to pay attention to the calls of Heaven.

Little children, before the appearance and last reign of my adversary, Heaven will send you the Warning, this is about to happen. The sin of this generation of these end times has made that all the events described in the Holy Word of God happen faster. Be Prepared Flock of my Lord, for the coming of the Warning, may your passage through eternity catches you in Divine grace, so that your soul may not suffer when all the misery and sin will be shown to your soul, with which you have offended God and your brothers and sisters.

I call you my children to confess and to repair for all your sins, so that when you arrive at the eternity, you do not know or feel the fire of the third (level of) Purgatory, where souls are slowly purified by burning fire; where your unconfessed or unrepaired sins, will torment you relentlessly. This place is the hardest one in the Purgatory, where there are all the souls taken by surprise by death in mortal sin, or far from God. There you find souls who were not condemned because of the Mercy of my Lord, Who granted some of them the grace, at the last moment, to ask for forgiveness; others were saved by the prayer of the Rosary of Mercy and of my Holy Rosary, when you ask for the souls that are most in danger of being condemned. A great deal of many others were not condemned because of their works of mercy they did in this world, or by the Holy Scapular they were wearing at the time of their departure.

My children, in the third (level) of Purgatory there are also many souls who were lukewarm, souls that because to their attachments and vanities of this world, turned away from God and only to seek Him when they had problems and necessities. Blessed are those the Warning catches in God's Grace and with their lamps lit with prayer, because their passage through eternity will be their greatest joy. Contrary to those ones the Warning catches in mortal sin, or in spiritual lukewarmness, because their passage through eternity will be their worst nightmare. Little children, regarding these poor souls, part of them are taken in care by the Third (level of) Purgatory while the other ones, by the fire of hell. Many souls, because of their sinful condition, will not resist the passage through eternity and will be lost, their spirit will no longer return to af this world.

Millions of souls, because of their wickedness, sin, and estrangement from God, will no longer return; others will be given a chance despite their sin, for not being this much a bad one. Heaven hopes that with the Warning all the Lukewarm of Heart will awaken, because if they do not, they will be lost at the time of the Great Tribulation. Everything has been accelerated due to the wickedness and the sin that exist in this world today, if the ungodly nations do not wake up from their wickedness, after the Warning what will come to them, will be fire from the sky. All those who, after the Warning and the Miracle, continue to sin and to do evil, will be separated from my Son's Flock. At the ending of the time of the Miracle, only the People of God and the children of darkness will remain; then the last reign of my adversary will begin and after the Great Armageddon which will be the final battle for your liberation.

May the Peace of my Lord remain in you my Beloved Children.

Your Mother loves you, Mary who Sanctifies.

Make known my messages and my advocation (title) up to all the ends of the earth.

Source: ➥
