Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, January 27, 2020

Call of God the Father to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch.

You must prepare for the coming of the time of My Justice.


My people, My Inheritance, My Peace be with you.

My children, the shortening of the days coupled with the wickedness and sin of this humanity of these end times, have accelerated the time of My Justice. The tribulations are already starting and when you are going to be most distressed, the day of My Warning will come; as Father of mankind, it gives Me pain that I have to bring My Justice upon you to restore the order and the law, but this humanity has not accepted My Mercy; every day sin and evil increase more. If the time of My Justice does not come soon, my Creation risks to be lost, due to the pride and the longing for power of many kings of this world.

My people, you must prepare for the coming of the time of my Justice, stay in alert and vigilant, do not neglect prayer or the praise; may your faith remain steadfast in spite of the suffering and of calamities you will have to go through. The coming of My Warning is imminent, for that, you must be spiritually prepared so you will not suffer in your journey through eternity; make a good confession of life and feed yourselves with the Body and the Blood of my Beloved Son, the Divine Lamb of God. This is so that when you come to My Supreme Tribunal you may be irreproachable.

Do not let go of the Rosary of my Beloved Daughter, your Mother Mary, because she intercedes for all her children and especially for all the devotees of the Holy Rosary who help her rescue so many souls. Pray to your Guardian Angel and to the Blessed souls, for they also intercede for you; remain in Communion with God, that your passage through eternity may be your greatest joy.

My people, my Creation cries out: Justice, Justice, for it can't stand so much outrage from the hand of man; the fury of all the elements of nature is about to wake up and it will be millions of souls that are going to be lost, because they have not wanted to heed the calls of Heaven calling for conversion. All the earth is at the point of beginning to shudder and it will not stop until the time of My Justice ends. Pain, panic and fear everywhere, will seize humanity and there will be no one who is going to listen to her. My people, you do not have to be afraid, prayer, fasting and penance, united with your faith, will be your greatest strength to help you endure the time of My Justice.

When the earth will be in pain, pray and praise the Glory of God and everything will pass without causing you any fear. You must have already placed your Spiritual Armor, day and night, making it extended to your children and family members in this time. Seal yourselves with the Blood and the Wounds of my Beloved Son and seal your families and homes day and night, so that you may be well protected. Do not forget the Ichthys (symbol) at the front door of your homes and in each room; may all be Sealed with the Blood and the Wounds of my Son, so that when the Angel of my Justice passes over, he does not touch the People of God with his Sword. Comply then Children of mine with these instructions, for the time of my Justice is starting and there is no way back.

Remain in My Peace, My People, My Inheritance.

Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of Creation.

Make my messages known to all mankind, My Children.

Source: ➥
