Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock. Message to Enoch

Sheep of My Flock, Only Prayer, Fasting and Penance, That You Do in Chain Worldwide, Will Be Able to Destroy the Plans of the Emissaries of Evil!


My Peace be with you, sheep of My flock

My flock, prepare for the arrival of a new pandemic, humanity will continue in confinement until it decides to return to God from the heart. Viruses and pandemics will continue to plague and decimate humanity for a time. The conspiracies of the Elites, Media and International Organizations, will lead humanity to longer confinements. Fear, panic, confinement and hope are part of the conspiracies.

The New World Order has already begun to settle on earth; the kings of the great nations want to unify the world politically, socially, culturally, economically and technologically, in order to exercise control and submission over the developing nations. They want to take over the world so that there is only a single government, a single economic system, a single culture, a single religion and a single currency; all this in order to pave the way for the appearance and last reign of the Antichrist.

My flock, the so-called "Globalization" what you are looking at is to subdue the poor nations, which would lose their autonomy, their economy, their culture and identity. All the natural resources of the poor nations would be exploited by the only world government, which would be made up of the kings of the great and powerful nations. The population of poor nations would be enslaved.

Sheep of My flock, only prayer, fasting and penance, that you do in chain worldwide, will be able to destroy the plans of the emissaries of evil. Put your faith and trust in God and consecrate yourselves, your families and nations, to Our Two Hearts and I assure you that the works of the wicked will roll on the ground. Do not fear My flock, viruses and pandemics; seal yourselves with the power of My Blood, pray with Psalm 91, morning and night, extending it to your children and relatives and rebuke in My Name and with the Power of My Blood, all viruses, plagues and pandemics, and I assure you that you will not be infected or die from them.

May My Peace remain with you, My Flock,

Your Teacher and Shepherd, Jesus the Good Shepherd

Make My messages known to all mankind, Sheep of My flock

Psalm 91 (KJV)

Source: ➥
