Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Call of Maria Rosa Mystica to the People of God. Message to Enoch

Children, Very Soon the Persecutions of God's People Will Begin in All Nations!


Little children of my Heart, the Peace of my Son be with you all and my Maternal Protection accompany you always.

My Beloved Children, The New World Order has begun, hard tests await the People of God. The Rulers of many nations, the Media and International Organizations, serve this new world government, which will bring slavery, control, submission and poverty, especially to the inhabitants of nations called Third Worlds. In the last reign of my Adversary all humanity will be subjugated by the New World Order.

This will be the only government that will rule in the world during the last reign of my adversary. I feel great sadness in my Heart as Mother of humanity, seeing how the People of God will be enslaved! The persecutions against Christians and Catholics have started in the world; In many nations of the Far East and in those where the atheist communist regime governs, my poor children are being tortured, disappeared, imprisoned and stripped of their goods and rights. All those who are proven to be Catholic or Christian, the state deprives them of all their services. In many nations being a Christian or a Catholic is already a crime.

The Houses of my Son in these nations are being burned, destroyed and their Tabernacles desecrated. My Sacramental Jesus is being trampled and expelled from them. Oh, what pain I feel, when I see my Son, again humiliated and mistreated, by the hands of the executioners at the service of evil! For the People of God the exile is beginning, the persecutions and abuses are increasing. Many of my little children in these nations due to their lack of faith and trust in God, are publicly renouncing their faith, and saddest of all, my Son Jesus, anything for conserving their life and property. Little children, very soon in all nations the persecutions of the People of God will begin. When the New World Order is taking hold in the world, the abuses, torture, imprisonment and death, will be what awaits the People of God.

My Children, the New World Order is seeking to end the Christian and Catholic religion; they want to erase the Name of my Son Jesus, from the mind and heart, of their Faithful People. Little ones, do not fear, I am the Shepherd of the Flock of my Son and take care of Him. Consecrate yourselves to Our Two Hearts and remain firm in the faith, so that you can overcome these tests. Under no circumstances will you betray my Son, renouncing your faith; remember that Heaven will not abandon you. The power of Our Two Hearts will protect and accompany you, so that you can overcome all the attacks of my adversary and his host of evil.

May the Peace of my Son remain in you, and my Maternal Love and Protection always accompany you.

Love you, your Mother, Maria Rosa Mystica

Make my messages known to all humanity, my Beloved Children.

Source: ➥
