Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Anguished Call of Sacramental Jesus to the Shepherds of His Church. Message to Enoch

Rethink Shepherds of My Flock, Because if I Continue to Unworthily Distribute Myself to My People, My Holy Spirit I Will Separate from Your Consecrations; Then, the Bread That You Will Distribute Will No Longer Be My Body and My Blood; Remember, the Way You Treat Me, So You Too Will Be Treated when You Appear Before Me!


Shepherds of My Flock, My Peace be with you

Favorite children, I feel very sad and heartbroken by the contempt and ingratitude that I have been receiving from many of you, who claim to be My relatives. How it hurts me to see My flock scattered like sheep without a shepherd because of the negligence and apathy of many of you, who are more concerned with shepherding yourself than with guiding and shepherding My flock! The pretext of the pandemic, which is already a direct attack on My Church, is leading many of My shepherds to desecrate me, My Flock holding me in your hand as if it were any ordinary piece of bread. My eyes shed tears of blood, seeing how I am outraged and trampled on in every particle of My Divinity that falls to the ground, for the vile sacrilege that has been committed in many of My Houses by giving me by My shepherds in the hand.

Millions of particles of My Sacred Host daily fall to the ground when I am received by My children in the hand. What a great sacrilege is being committed against My Divinity, under the pretext of a pandemic that is already more of a conspiracy and an attack on My Holy Sacrifice! Many of My shepherds are forgetting that in each Consecrated Host I Am, Alive and Real, making myself Life in the midst of My People and giving myself as an Immolated Lamb. Unfaithful shepherds! Why do you scourge me, giving me My Flock so unworthily? Do you not know what I am, in Spirit who is found in the simplicity and humility of each Consecrated Host? Yesterday the High Priests and Scribes were the ones who condemned me to death, and today you are Chief Shepherds and Shepherds of My Flock, those who once again crucify me when you so unworthily distribute me to My Flock, giving me in the hand.

I have anointed your Priestly Ministry with the fire of My Holy Spirit, so that you may be My representatives here on earth. In each Consecration that you do with dignity and fervor, I, Jesus in the Sacrament, come down from Heaven to make myself Life in your midst; The Priestly Ministry that I have entrusted to you is so Great that through your anointed hands, I go down in Spirit to give myself as food to My People. In each Consecration that you do for Love, My sacrifice is bloodlessly revived and I give myself as the Bread of Life, to feed My Flock. So, I ask you Shepherds of My Flock: Do I deserve such a vile abuse of My Divinity from you, when you give me My People not as Jesus in the Sacrament, but as any piece of bread? It is I, your God, who you distribute to My People, and I deserve Adoration, Praise and Respect, on behalf of you and My flock. My Sacred Body and Blood, you must distribute it to My Flock on their knees and in the mouth, with the due Respect and Adoration that the King of kings and Lord of lords deserves.

Unfaithful shepherds, if you do not change your attitude and correct your behavior towards Me, I assure you that you will be treated as Guilty Persons, when you appear before Me tomorrow! Thousands of Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and even Popes, some today lie in the depths of the abyss and others, in the purifying fire of the Third Purgatory, for treating me unworthily by distributing me in the hand when they exercised their priestly ministry in this world. Thousands more were lost because they allowed themselves to be seduced by the pleasures of this world and neglected to graze My flock, and an immense majority were lost and lie today in hell for the sins of the flesh.

Rethink Shepherds of My Flock, because if I continue to unworthily distribute myself to My People, My Holy Spirit I will separate from your Consecrations; then, the bread that you will distribute will no longer be My Body and My Blood; remember, the way you treat Me, so you too will be treated when you appear before Me.

My peace I leave you, My peace I give you. Repent and convert, because the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Master, Jesus in the Sacrament, the Beloved who is not beloved

Make known My messages of salvation to all mankind, My Flock

Source: ➥
