Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, November 13, 2020

Call of St. Michael to Humanity. Message to Enoch

Sinners, Run and Bathe in the Fountain of Forgiveness, Before the Days of Divine Justice Arrive, So That Tomorrow You May Live Eternally!


Who is like God? No one is like God!

May the Peace of the Most High be with you all, Seed of my Father

Brothers, I, Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Armies, address you today through this Instrument, to tell you that very soon mankind will enter the time of the Great Tribulation, where only weeping and wailing will be heard. What sadness that this mankind of these last times has to know the Just Wrath of God, in order to change! Oh Mortals, you do not know what awaits you, if you knew, you would run to seek God's forgiveness and repent of all your sins! The tribulation that is about to come has never been seen before at Creation, and the saddest thing is to know that millions of souls are going to be eternally lost because they are not prepared spiritually.

Tribulations, tragedies, famines, ruin, persecutions, catastrophes and desolation in general, is what very soon will come to this mankind. Never before in any generation the tribulation that is about to come to this generation of these last times was seen; the immense majority of this ungrateful and sinful mankind lives today as in the times of Noah and Lot; they eat, drink, buy, sell, get married, build, and suddenly the Justice of God will come to them, and as in the times of Lot, fire from heaven will rain on them and many will die. (Luke 17. 26 to 29). Poor mortals, if you do not wake up as soon as possible from your spiritual lethargy, are you going to be lost eternally! You still have some thousandths of time, take advantage of it and run to put your accounts in order; do not be foolish, because what is at stake is the salvation of your soul.

I remind you, sinful humanity, that when tribulations begin you will no longer find my Father's houses open; I therefore exhort you to be reconciled to God as soon as possible so that you will have nothing to lament tomorrow. Sinful mankind, stop offending the Most High! Remember that life in this world is transient, and that the true life is in eternity and forever; I ask you: where do you want to spend it, in Heaven or in hell? Eternal life or death depends upon you; the Most High is giving you the opportunity to return to Him, from the heart, so that tomorrow you may enjoy His company. I remind you of what the Holy Word of God says: There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who converts than over ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to be converted (Luke 15:7)

Therefore, sinful mankind, heed the calls that Heaven is making to you so that you may repent of your sins and take again the path of salvation, because the days of Divine Justice are knocking at the door. Do not go on to break the Holy Precepts, because if the Just Wrath of God continues to do so, He will delete you from the face of the earth. Hurry up, thieves, prostitutes, homosexuals, adulterers, lustful, fornicators, impure; drug addicts, alcoholics, swindlers, liars, envious, idolaters, proud, murderers, greedy, sorcerers and other sinners that wander through this world without God and without Law; because none of you, if you go on sinning, will inherit the Kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6. 9, 10), (Ephesians 5, 5), (Revelation 22, 15). Sinners, run and bathe in the Fountain of Forgiveness, before the days of Divine Justice arrive, so that tomorrow you may live eternally.

May the Peace of the Most High abide in you, Seed of my Father, and my Protection always be with you.

Your Brother and Servant, Michael the Archangel

Make known the messages of salvation to all mankind, Beloved of my Father

Source: ➥
