Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock. Message to Enoch

My Flock, the Tribulation That is to Come, No Mortal Has Ever Lived Through It; Therefore, My Children, May the Days of the Great Purification Catch You in the Grace of God, That You May Persevere to the End and Thus Obtain the Crown of Life!


My flock, My peace be with you

Sheep of My flock, the days of the great tribulation are drawing near, days of total purification for all humanity and especially for the People of God. Difficult years await you, My flock, the pains are just beginning and the first wounds are already being heard. What is about to come is material, physical and spiritual tribulation, which will purify you in the body, soul and spirit, until you shine like crucibles; only in this way, purified and dead to sin, tomorrow you can inhabit My New Creation.

My Sons, the days of abomination and desolation of My Temples are near; very soon My Houses will be profaned, destroyed and totally closed, and My daily Sacrifice suspended. My poor children will thirst and hunger for My Word, and for My Body and Blood. The schism within My Church is about to burst and millions of souls will lose faith; the crisis of My Church will be taken advantage of by its enemies to profane My Houses, destroy My Tabernacles and expel Me from My Temples. Pray, My flock, because the martyrdom of My Church is near; the hour of betrayal is coming and the Judases are ready to deliver it into the hands of the wicked.

My flock, from the year that is about to begin and subsequent years, you will be purified as gold is purified in fire. Pray and stand fast in faith, that you may endure the days of trouble, desolation, and purification, which are coming upon you. My Warning is already knocking at the door; run, run, to put your accounts in order, because My Houses are about to close and you will not find any of My Priests to receive you in confession! My flock, the tribulation which is about to come, no mortal has ever lived through it; therefore, My children, may the days of the great purification catch up with you in the grace of God, that you may persevere to the end and thus obtain the crown of life. This world walks in darkness, My children, evil and sin have reached their limit; the tares have grown up and are choking the harvest, it is time for the harvest, for if the tares continue to grow, I will lose the harvest.

My children, as I say to My disciples today: for a while I will no longer be with you and that time is coming; but at another time you will see Me again and your joy nothing and no one will take it away from you. You will be in this world like sheep in the midst of wolves, but do not fear; I will not abandon you; My Mother and My Angels will be with you; take refuge in the Virgin bosom of My Mother, because she will be the Tabernacle where I will remain in those days of anguish, desolation and purification. Love and help each other, so that the power of Love, Prayer and Trust in God may be the strength to keep you steady in faith. Remember: if you remain united to Me, as the branch to the vine, nothing and no one can rob you of My Peace. Walk then, My little ones, as children of the light which you are, that you may lighten the darkness and the gloom which already hangs over the earth.

My peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Repent and be converted, for the kingdom of God is at hand

Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Make known My messages of salvation to all mankind, My flock

Source: ➥
