Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Call of Mary Sanctifier to the People of God. Message to Enoch

My Little Ones, You Are Already Walking Through the Desert of Purification; Great Trials Will Come to You, but if You Remain United to God and to Your Mother, Everything Will Be More Bearable!


Little children of my Heart, may the Peace of my Lord be with all of you and may my Maternal Protection always accompany you.

My little ones, you are already walking through the desert of purification; great trials will come to you, but if you remain united to God and to your Mother, everything will be more bearable. Trials of faith, of persecution, of scarcity, of famine, of viruses and plagues, the trial of war and transformation of creation, and many others will come to you; from all of them you will emerge victorious if you place your hope and trust in God. However hard the trials may be, go ahead and do not lose heart, for my Father knows how far you can bear them; accept with love the setbacks and trials of each day, offering them for your purification and salvation and for the purification and salvation of the sinners of the whole world. The true essence of your purification is the offering of your pains united to the cross and Calvary of my Son, which will purify and renew you in spirit so that tomorrow, by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, you may be messengers of peace and disciples of the love of God; giving testimony of the greatness and mercy of the Father. Awaiting you, my beloved children, are days of great agitation and purification, where you will be purified in body, mind and spirit, until you shine like crucibles.

My children, the Warning of God is getting closer and closer when you least expect it, you will be passing through eternity; in the midst of your tribulation, you will be called and judged; a little judgment will be made to you that will open your understanding and knowledge of God and will show you the state of your soul with respect to God and your brothers; in love and service, you will be judged so that you will repent, change your life and be concerned when you return to seek the salvation of your soul and that of your brothers. Be prepared my little ones because the day of the Warning has already been appointed, may this great event catch you in the grace of God so that your passage through eternity may be one of joy and peace, and not of affliction, torment and suffering.

Little children, many souls are being lost and this makes us very sad, Heaven weeps with me to see the loss of so many souls who in life in this world turned their backs on God; souls who today lie in the abyss moaning, crying and cursing their fate. Modernism with its technology and the pleasures of the flesh, are leading many souls to be lost; the god of technology is destroying families and societies; moral and spiritual values are in decline because of technology; prayer, recollection and the fulfillment of the Divine Precepts, the man of today has removed them from his life to give entrance into his heart to the material gods of this world. Technology, materialism and the pleasures of the flesh and of the world have displaced God from the hearts of the men of these last times. Return humanity to the Love of God; take up again, parents of families, prayer and the fulfillment of the Divine Mandates in your families, so that in your homes the light, hope and Love of God may shine again! Remember that it is in the home where the moral and spiritual foundations must be strengthened, because you well know that the home is the first society created by God, from which all other societies arise. I ask you, parents, to reconsider and take back as soon as possible the control and management of your homes, so that the Spirit of God returns to dwell in them and in your families.

Remain then, little children, united in love and service, because in the measure of your love and service, you will be donating yourselves to the Love and Mercy of God. Pray for one another and help one another; be in the Grace of God, so that when my Son knocks at the door of your soul, (the Warning) you will be ready and will go with Him to eternity.

May the Peace of my Lord remain in you, and may the Love and protection of your Mother always accompany you.

Your Mother, Mary Sanctifier, loves you.

Make known, little children, the messages of salvation to the whole world.

Source: ➥
