Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, March 8, 2021

Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock. Message to Enoch

Awaken from Your Lethargy My Flock, Because Your Eternal Shepherd is Coming; I Am Coming to Knock at the Door of Your Soul to Take You to Eternity; Be the Sheep of My Flock, Spiritually Prepared and with Your Lamps Lit with Prayer So That You May Receive Me!


Sheep of My Flock, My Peace be with you.

My flock, gather around My Mother and Angels so that you may be able to endure the days of the great purification that are about to come. Do not let go of My Mother's Rosary nor relax with prayer, for you well know that the forces of evil are constantly on the lookout for ways to lose as many souls as possible.

Pray for My Church, because an event that is about to come will shake her; the Catholic world will be dismayed by such lamentable news, which will cause millions of souls to lose their faith. My flock, remain firm in the faith, prayerful and vigilant, because the great test for My Church is approaching; remember that you are already like sheep in the midst of wolves and therefore, you cannot lower your guard with prayer. Darkness has begun to cover the earth and the last reign of the being of iniquity is about to begin.

Seal yourselves and seal with My Blood your families and places where you will be, as well as the people you will deal with each day so that no force of evil can steal your peace. Remember: your struggle is not with people of flesh and blood, but against evil spiritual forces coming down from heaven, which have command, authority and dominion over this dark world. (Ephesians 6, 12) The forces of evil and their emissaries are attacking you and that is why many souls, because of their alienation from God, are being possessed by evil spirits. I instruct you, My Sheep, to be spiritually strengthened so that you may defend yourselves from these attacks. Again I say to you: do not go out into the streets without your spiritual armor on and without the sealing of My Blood, for the wolves are on the loose looking for someone to devour. They are causing the loss of many souls to unite them to the forces of evil in order to form the army of darkness that will serve the Antichrist in his last reign here on earth.

Sheep of My Flock, I feel great sadness to see that you are lethargic, asleep, while the children of darkness are in full activity. The children of darkness are still smarter than the children of light. My Warning is approaching, each day that passes is closer and My Flock remains unawakened. It pains and saddens me to see this reality; while the emissaries of evil are preparing for the appearance of their Master, My flock remains asleep; it does not stir nor does it prepare for the arrival of My Warning, much less to pave the way for My next coming. Awaken from your lethargy My flock, for your Eternal Shepherd draws near; I am coming to knock at the door of your soul to take you to eternity; be spiritually prepared sheep of My Flock, with your lamps lit with prayer so that you may receive me.

My Peace I leave you, My Peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd

Make known the messages of salvation to all mankind, sheep of My Flock.

Source: ➥
