Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, June 21, 2021

Call of Mary Sanctifier to the People of God. Message to Enoch

My Children, Help Me to Free Many Souls from Purgatory with Your Prayers, Fasts, Penances, Works of Charity and Above All with the Offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for Their Eternal Rest!


My children, may the Peace of my Lord be with you all and may my motherly protection always be with you.

My children, help me to free many souls from purgatory with your prayers, fasts, penances, works of charity and above all with the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for their eternal rest. The souls freed from purgatory and taken to heaven, become your intercessors and will help you in your passage through the desert of purification. Pray my little ones, with my Holy Rosary for all the souls in purgatory, especially for those most in need of God's mercy, who are in the third purgatory; pray also for the souls who are waiting, who only need a prayer, the recitation of my rosary, a work of charity, or the offering of Holy Mass for them, in order to ascend to Heaven.

Little children, Heaven needs your prayers, rosaries, fasts, penances, works of charity and offerings of Holy Masses, to free millions of souls who are in waiting, others in the first and second purgatory, to go up and to strengthen spiritually in their painful purification, the souls of the third purgatory. My Father will bless you and will take into account all that you do in favor of the blessed souls in purgatory. Special plenary indulgence you will receive if you offer the Holy Masses for them, in a state of grace; give them to the Heavenly Father, at the sublime moment of the elevation of the Body and Blood of my Son, because they are spiritually present there, awaiting your offering for their eternal rest.

My little ones, on the feast of my invocation of Carmel, which is about to be celebrated, I ask you to make my novena and attend the Holy Sacrifice, praying and interceding for the blessed souls in purgatory, because on this day my Father and your Father, through my intercession and your intercession, will move purgatory, taking millions of souls to heaven, raising others from place to place, and spiritually strengthening those in the third purgatory. All the souls in purgatory will thank you, and when you reach eternity, the blessed souls will intercede for you so that your stay in purgatory will be short and bearable. Therefore, heed this call my little ones, so that through the intercession of the souls freed by your prayers, you will not suffer much in purgatory when you reach eternity tomorrow.

Remain in the Peace of the Most High my Children

Your Mother, Mary Sanctifier

Make known, my little children, the messages of salvation to all mankind.

Source: ➥
