Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock. Message to Enoch

Be Prepared My Flock, Materially and Spiritually, Because the Time of the Great Conspiracies and Deceptions is Near; the Time of the Great Spiritual Combat, Where You Will Be Purified As Gold in Fire!


My flock, My Peace be with you.

Sheep of My flock, the Luciferian government of the New World Order has already begun to subdue humanity; their agenda began with the existing pandemic vaccines, with which they intend to decimate much of the world's population. Within their evil plans is also to sponsor revolts and demonstrations against democratically constituted governments to create chaos and anarchy, to destabilize democracies, weaken them, and thus, introduce atheistic communism to gain strength and take over countries and governments.

The persecution especially of Christians and Catholics and the destruction and desecration of temples and religious places are other of their plans, with which they seek to put an end to the faith of the People of God. The pretext of the pandemic was used to close My Father's Houses all over the world. I feel great sadness to see how many of My Pastors followed the game of the conspirators and evildoers, to weaken My Church and to suppress My Holy Sacrifice. New conspiracies and deceptions around the pandemic will be invented by the emissaries of evil to keep humanity confined for longer periods of time and thus be able to close My Temples definitively, to profane and destroy them; thus is fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel, which speaks of the cessation of the Holy Sacrifice and the desolating abomination of the Temple. (Daniel 12:11)

My flock, in the time of scarcity and famine, the Elites who run the New World Order want to start weakening the economies of the world, especially those of the poorest countries so that when the planned war comes, paper money will disappear forever. They also want to stop agricultural and meat production, to flood the world with transgenic foods created in laboratories in order to decimate the world population, with the appearance of new viruses, diseases and pandemics. These genetically modified products will be shipped and distributed to the populations of the poorest nations or those in the developing world. Everything, My flock, is planned by the children of darkness to subdue the nations and decrease the world population, so that when the Antichrist appears, everything will be subdued, he will not find any resistance and thus he can be praised as the savior of the world and as the expected messiah. Be therefore prepared My flock, materially and spiritually, because the time of the great conspiracies and deceptions is near; the time of the great spiritual combat, where you will be purified as gold in fire.

My Peace I leave you, My Peace I give you. Repent and be converted because the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd

My flock, make known My messages of salvation to the whole world.

Source: ➥
