Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, December 26, 1996
Message of Our Lady
My dear children, today I am here, and I bless each one of you.
I love you! I love you! I am your Mother, the Mother of GOD, and also of the Church! I want you all together, in my Immaculate Heart!
I give you my peace. Continue praying and receiving communion for the conversion of sinners. The world is so troubled that it needs your prayers to have peace.
Let Jesus be born in your hearts, for the Rosary! My Heart desires that your hearts be the cave of Jesus.
I bless you all with LOVE, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Saint Bernadette, the seer of Our Lady in Lourdes, France
"- Children of the Lord our GOD! I come as a servant of GOD, a servant of Mary Most Holy, to ask and call you to pray even more! Pray, because this century will be saved only by prayer.
Do not listen to the devil, who wants to discourage you through persecutions, because I myself had them while serving Mary, our Mother, on this earth.
Pray and stand firm on this path. Do not let the enemy darken your vision with their smoke, confusing them, and thus preventing them from following the path forward.
I, Bernadette, pray for you, My brethren, together with the Virgin Mary, the Mother of GOD, for your salvation!
Have confidence! The TRIUMPHER, THE VICTORY, the plan of LOVE begun in Lourdes, will happen here and in the whole world, at the end of this century.
It is the plan that embraces you! It is the plan that you cannot understand now, and you must believe and welcome!
Have Faith! Have Faith as a child! If your heart is not that of a child, it will not enter into the Kingdom of Mary Most Holy. But if your heart becomes like that of a child, you will already begin to live here and now, the Kingdom of LOVE of Mary Most Holy!
Stay in Peace".