Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, October 17, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you the green roof of your outhouse that needs to be completed with the new piece of correct metal sheeting that was sent to you recently. Your contractor was willing to come and finish this job. You could give him a donation for his labor. Again, I am pushing you to finish up your projects, so you are ready when I will send people to your interim refuge. In the Gospel you are seeing a rich man who had a bountiful harvest. He tore down his smaller grain bins to build larger ones, so he could store all of his harvest. When he stored the grain, he thought he could relax and live off of his harvest. I called him a fool, because he was storing treasure for himself, and not for others. That night his life would be taken, and I asked him to whom would all of his treasure go, because he would not be able to take it past the grave. Your life is brief on this earth, and you are put here to know, love, and serve Me. You are not here to accumulate wealth just for yourself, but you must share your wealth with others. So when you see someone in need, and you can afford to share your surplus wealth, it is your duty to help others in thanksgiving for all the gifts that I have given you.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the beginning pews of a church, but your churches are far from being full. You see many people sitting further back in the church because they are afraid to make any commitments to build up My Church. My faithful people, who truly love Me, want to be with Me every day at weekday Mass. Those people, who just come to Mass on Sunday, could be coming more out of obligation to My Third Commandment than because they truly want to be with Me in Holy Communion. My true believers also want Me to be the center of their lives, and they long to be with Me at daily Adoration of My Eucharist. The lukewarm Catholics, who do not come to Sunday Mass, only come to Me for material possessions, or when they are tested by death or serious illnesses. My people need to understand that you are dependent on Me for everything in your lives. All that you have, has come from My gifts. I call on My faithful to do everything that you can to encourage souls to come to Me, so I can save their souls. When you love Me, you will want to share My love with everyone. Call on Me to give you all the necessary graces that you will need to serve Me in love, and to help save the souls of your neighbors for My greater glory.”
Source: ➥