Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, in older days the Jewish people offered up the blood of cattle as their offering to Me. But now I have come on the earth as a God-man, so I could be the ultimate sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins. It is by My Most Precious Blood on the cross that I have washed away your sins from your soul. I have paid the price for the ransom of your souls, and there is no longer any need to sacrifice animals. At every Mass you have the unbloody sacrifice of the Mass, and I transubstantiate the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. This miracle that I perform at every Mass, is a blessing for all of My faithful, as you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. You have My Real Presence with you in your soul, so be thankful that I have left you with My gift of My Blessed Sacrament. I enjoy visiting every soul when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. I love all of you so much, and I desire that you love Me also.”
Jesus said: “My son, your new Administration is already costing you more money to buy your gasoline to run your car. You depend more on fossil fuels for 80% of your energy needs. In your own preparations to run your refuge independently, you have both solar panels and fossil fuels. It is the wood, kerosene, and propane that I will need to multiply for you to heat your house and for cooking. Your lights, water well, and sump pumps can all have electricity from your solar panels and batteries. Your nation can also use solar panels, but not enough to replace your fossil fuels. Even your smaller off-grid system of 12 panels and 12 batteries could supply your basic electrical needs for $13,000 including the controller and inverter. Your relatively small investment can provide power year around without the grid for more than the tribulation time will last. You have trusted in Me to provide for your refuge needs, and you are ready to take care of the people I will send to you. Trust in Me for all of your needs throughout the tribulation.”
Source: ➥