Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, January 17, 2016
As soon as the Father gives Me His sign, it will happen!
- Message No. 1120 -

My child. My dear child. Write and listen to what I, your Jesus who loves you so much, have to say to you and to the children of the world today: My children. My children so loved by Me. Set out on the path of repentance and penance and prepare yourselves for My Second Coming, for only a short time remains to you, and sooner than you are ready to believe I will stand before you and "judge" you, but I come as a merciful Judge, and through My mercy you will be allowed to enter into My Kingdom as soon as the Father, My so kind and loving Father, gives Me, His and your Jesus, the sign to do so.
So be ready for Me and do not wait. The warning will come, My merciful warning, for it is by My and the Father's mercy that you will have one last chance, but you must be ready and give Me your YES now, for My warning will separate the wheat from the chaff, and he who has not made himself ready will not be able to take advantage of it.
So be ready for Me, beloved children of the earth, and wait no longer. I, your Jesus, will redeem you, but you must give Me your YES for it.
My Kingdom will come, so be ready, for as soon as the Father gives Me His sign, it will happen. Amen. So be it.
Wait no longer, but make yourselves ready now. Amen.
I love you.
Your Jesus.
Redeemer of all God's children and Savior of the world. Amen.
Go now and make this known. Amen.
Source: ➥