Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Be sure that the devil is working underground!
- Message No. 1125 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My beloved daughter, and hear what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, in the presence of Our Father in Heaven, who loves His children so much, have to say today to the children of the earth: Prepare yourselves, for only a little time remains! Pray and do not waste time on worldly things. More and more distraction and control is being brought into your world now, and if you think nothing is happening, know that the devil is working underground.
The devil never sleeps, so be warned, beloved children, and prepare yourselves! The end is nearer than you think, and even if you think you see nothing alarming, be sure that the evil schemes of those who work for the devil are being plotted in secret and prepared for their enforcement!
So pray, My children, because your prayer is the strongest weapon you have! It brings about good in this so gloomy time, and it holds back the Father's chiding hand! So pray, My children, deeply and fervently and trust in your Jesus!
The Heavenly Hosts stand ready, so trust and live conscientiously, for only he who is pure and ready will be worthy, only he who believes and trusts will experience the coming warning joyfully and gladly!
Never be afraid, for the hour of mercy still strikes, and whoever repents and brings his sins before the Lord with a sincere heart, confessing, atoning and repenting, will be forgiven!
So take advantage of the hour of mercy and seek out Holy Confession, for very soon you will have little opportunity to do so. Take advantage of the hour of mercy and find completely to Jesus!
Be warned, for it is the calm before the storm, and you must never follow those who run away, whoever does so puts himself in extremely great danger! So accept Our word and put it into practice!
The Father looks with love upon His creation and upon you, who are faithful and devoted. Before Him, the Most High, NO ONE can hide anything! He knows every child and every heart! So prepare yourselves and do not hypocrite, because the Lord sees every hypocrisy and when the hour of mercy passes, it will be bad for the hypocrites!
So purify yourselves and be ready at all times, for the end is very near and there is little time left for you. Amen.
Do not wait, My children, until this or that will arrive. Many hypocrites are on the way to lead you on false paths. Be warned, for Our word is holy. Amen.
I love you. Make yourselves ready. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven with God the Father, the Most High. Amen.
Source: ➥