Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 14, 2016
You will experience it!
- Message No. 1127 -

My child. Tell the world that the end is coming. You are about to see it, but you do not see it, because you do not want to believe it.
It is very difficult in your world, and the confusion is great. It will increase, beloved children, but do not waver and always remain in faith, because what We tell you in these messages is true, and you will "experience" it.
My child. Tell the world that there is not much time left. Everything will go blow by blow as soon as the end (final end) is heralded. Therefore, prepare well, be pure and worthy to come before Jesus your Lord, and do all the earthly steps that We have told you in these and other messages.
Your time of preparation is coming to an end, and woe to him who has not listened to Our Word, for it is the Word of the Almighty, Who gave Me, His Holy Handmaid, this mission to warn you, to make you ready, so that you may be prepared and not lost.
Therefore, listen to My Word, which the Father instructed Me to give you through these messages, and prepare yourselves. The end is so near, but your world is so veiled that you do not recognize all the signs, do not make the connections and are lost in this time of the end.
Believe, My children, and get ready! Whoever is firm in faith will also survive the last time. So get up and get ready. That is all I can say to you today.
Believe, My children, believe, for your faith is on the touchstone. Amen.
I love you.
Pray much, beloved children, and pray fervently. Ask for help from heaven, and We will give it to you.
Do not doubt and never be afraid. Much fear and doubt the evil one scatters in your world now, so that he can control you even better, because where there is fear and doubt, the devil gets his plans easily implemented, and where faith is not consolidated, he has a "foot in the door" in a flash, his demons, who "devour" on the one who falters in faith. Amen.
Be warned, for the last days will be hard, but he who is with Jesus has nothing to fear. Amen.
So pray and prepare yourselves, for the time that remains is short. Amen.
With love, your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen
Source: ➥