Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, April 10, 2016
In such end-time circumstances...!
- Message No. 1136 -

My child. My dear child. Please be ready, always ready, for the end has begun, and soon it will all be accomplished. Tell Our children please, for they do not know that Jesus is ready and only waiting for the Father's instruction. Tell them, please, for their salvation is at stake.
To all who cannot now receive the Holy Sacrament of Confession as usual: Ask for the acceptance of Confession, but you are rejected, do not be sad. My Son sees your willingness in the heart, and it will be forgiven you in such end-time circumstances, with a repentant heart and willingness to repent. Be sure that it will be so. Amen.
The "abolition" of the Holy Sacrament of Confession as well as its restriction is not willed by God. HE allows it because HIS children have departed from HIM. But those who are truly with Jesus have nothing to fear.
As long as it is possible for you to receive this sacrament, so holy and so necessary and so beneficial, receive it. This also applies to all the other sacraments which are more and more "desacralized" and/or pushed away.
Be sure, My beloved children, that the Lord, your Jesus, KNOWS EVERY SINGLE HUMAN HEART, therefore remain sincere and honest, humble and faithful to HIM, then you have nothing to fear in spite of "abolition" and "desacralization" of the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacraments.
Remain faithful and stay strong, your prayer to Us will help you. Amen.
Go now. Make this known, My child.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥