Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Inscrutable to you...!
- Message No. 1145 -

My child. My dear child. You have come. Thank you. Please listen and write what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, have to say to the children of the world today: Prepare yourselves, beloved children of the earth, for your world will pass away. Jesus will come to redeem you, who are faithful and devoted to HIM, from the reign of evil, which is now beginning to culminate, and that time is near.
Be ready, beloved children of My heart. The warning will come and your sins will be laid bare to you, but then you will have the chance to give yourselves to Jesus, to give yourselves to HIM, but be ready for this day, this moment that WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING in your world and in you, My beloved children of the earth, and this time that comes after is what must be endured!
Prepare and trust, My children, trust in Jesus! Only HE can guide you now!
Give HIM your YES, beloved children of My heart, your unrestricted YES, so that you will not be lost to the adversary of My Son, who is cunning and inscrutable for you. Soon, very soon, he will strike the final blow, and that does not mean anything good for you. The worst time will then begin, but carry hope in your hearts and pray, My children, because the Father will shorten the time if you ask HIM intimately and sincerely.
Never be afraid, beloved children of My Heart, for whoever remains faithful to Jesus will not be harmed. His soul will be saved, and as a martyr he will enter heaven, should he die for My Son.
Believe and trust and pray, My children, pray. Only your prayer can hold back the worst, only your prayer will soften the Father in Heaven when the worst time threatens.
I love you, My children, place yourselves daily under My protection, and in love and care I will place My mantle of protection around you and your families.
Go now, My child. All has been said.
I love you, I love you, beloved children of My Heart. Go in peace and prepare yourselves. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥