Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, August 15, 2016
What a gift!
- Message No. 1153 -

on the Assumption of Mary My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming to honor Me. I rejoice/We rejoice greatly (heaven united).
My child. Yes, today there is great joy in Heaven. It is a special holiday, but still We look down very sorrowfully to the earth, where the apostasy grows great and greater.
Evil is taking over and Our faithful children are suffering. They suffer in atonement, they suffer in injustice, they suffer in the hatred, anger and resentment of others, they suffer silently, they suffer in pain, they bear the suffering of the world, and many of you are having a hard time these days, in these such difficult times, gaining strength and support in and through My Son.
Children, believe and trust and seek silence! Stay away from crowds, from the opinions of others, and from imposed joy!
Unite yourselves completely with My Son! He is there! He is waiting for you! He comforts you and gives you strength, perseverance and love.
My children, hang on! We said that there would be hard times and that the worst was yet to come. Find support in My Son and pray much and pray fervently! Sacrifice, accept and suffer in joy for My Son!
We know how hard it is for Our beloved children, but know: the time is near and everything will come as it is promised, so persevere and rejoice, for you are the children who will experience the New Kingdom! You are the chosen children of God to whom the peace of the Lord is given!
You are the children of God who will experience the promises - What a gift, beloved children of My heart that loves you so much.
Hold on. I will always be with you. Amen.
With deep, sincere love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥