Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, December 18, 2016
So pray and beseech the Father, HE may shorten it!
- Message No. 1162 -

My child. My dear child. The light in your world is fading. You do not see it yet, but your days are becoming dark. With the schemes of the wicked, the elite, you will be restricted, controlled, and treated like "cattle," but your prayer keeps much of that from happening as many children pray.
Ask for the hand of Heavenly Father that it, His Divine Hand, will mitigate and stop, even restrain, these schemes, these evil evils that are to come upon you. God the Father is Almighty, and in His Omnipotence He will put a stop to them, if His beloved children ask Him for it in constant and fervent prayer.
Do not be afraid, for God the Father will send His Son to you, but it will not be this one who dwells among you! Always have this in mind: Jesus will come to redeem all those who are faithful and sincere and devoted to HIM, BUT HE WILL NOT DWELL A SECOND TIME AMONG YOU! So it is written and so it will be, beloved children of My heart, for He who comes and dwells among you will not be sent by God! Amen.
My children. Be ready for this last time, for the evil has already begun. My Son will be with you, but you must pray much and make sacrifices.
The time of atonement is great: accept everything and offer it up and never despair. My Son will not leave alone any soul that surrenders to HIM.
So say YES to Jesus and be ready. The warning will come and many will be unprepared. Don't think that everything is "so far away." You will be surprised how quickly everything will come and be realized. Keep yourselves in prayer, and you will be ready for your
Purify yourselves, free yourselves from sin! Seek out holy priests who will forgive your sins, absolve you and repent in the name of My Son. Only in this way will you be washed clean and appear in white garment when the time comes and My Son stands before you.
Be ready, beloved children of the earth, because time is running out for you. Many are becoming apostate because they do not believe in Our Word: do not push away Our Word, for it is Holy.
Be ready, My children, and believe. The time that remains for you is short, and the end shall be cruel. So pray and implore the Father, may HE shorten it. His protective hand will be over you if you ask HIM fervently and with a pure heart.
Carry joy within you, for joy will be given to you! Everyone who survives even these days and remains TRUE will be abundantly rewarded.
Believe, My children, believe and trust. My Son will come to redeem you, so hold on a little longer and pray.
I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am always with you. I will crush the serpent's head as well as hand you over to My Son.
Believe, My children, and always remain faithful. The time will soon come, and good to him who believes in Us and listens to Our Word. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- Blessings and contemplation, joy, happiness and togetherness. Oh, how beautiful the Christmas season!
The Lord Christ was born to me, Mary, she was chosen, of all the maidens of this world, she was the only one chosen.
And Joseph, this faithful man, accepted it as it is, from God. An angel spoke to him by night, and he did not think long.
And when the Christ Child was born, there was great joy in heaven and on earth. So celebrate the Christmas pious and joyful, because the Lord us born and bedded on straw, as Savior HE came from heaven, through Mary, the Virgin, HE came to us. And the world found peace, and the joy was great, when the Savior came, to all our comfort. And hope awoke that night, when the Father in heaven performed that miracle. So be pious and rejoice and honor Our Lord, for the Lord in heaven is very fond of us all. And through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, hope came to earth and it makes us glad. So celebrate this Christmas as it is due to the Lord, full of joy and love and peace in your heart. Honor the Father in Heaven and His Holy Son, and carry hope in your heart and make others glad. This is the message of the Holy Feast: The Redeemer is born to us, so believe firmly in the Lord Christ, who is the Redeemer, so pray and rejoice, for He is the light that leads us to the Father and through the dark times, so always be ready for Him. Now you Christians rejoice and pray very much, because the Savior will soon come, and then it will be accomplished. So be ready, My children, because the Lord is ready and it will be wonderful. Enjoy this Christmas in the light of the Lord, and rejoice, you Christians, for the Lord loves you very much. Amen. Saint Bonaventure, December 2016 ---
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