Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
The Warning! Gift of Divine Mercy to All Mankind!
- Message No. 1401 -

Message of February 20, 2023
My child. The Warning will be a beautiful event for all those children who are pure in heart.
But those who are sinful and without repentance will suffer, suffer, suffer.
Your preparation for this event should be due.
It is an unprecedented event, and it will remain unique.
There will be no 2nd opportunity, that is why your preparation is so important.
Now take advantage of this time and bring Lenten offerings!
Seek out your Holy Mass celebrations and celebrate them properly!
Purify yourselves in Holy Confession!
Do penance!
Pray much for the conversion of mankind and especially of your loved ones!
You have received wonderful prayers, so use them!
For this time, a small act of atonement from message 1393 and 1394 is very valuable! Pray these prayers, for they do so much good.
My children. It is important that you wash yourselves clean of sin.
I love you very much.
Pray, My children, pray.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Without due preparation, the warning will surprise you, and you will not perceive it as the event it, it is: A gift of mercy to all mankind, a deep, fervent act of love to purify yourselves and to stay away from sin altogether and to find pure and full of love all to My Son. Amen.
Make this known, My child. The children must repent. Amen.
Your Father in Heaven. Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
The following prayers in particular are shown and mentioned to me in the Book of Prayers of Preparation: Prayer of Deliverance No. 32., Prayer No. 33, and Prayer No. 34.
For the warning itself and immediately after it, We have given you prayers in the Book of Prayers. Especially memorize the prayer for the salvation of the soul (deliverance prayer no. 32) so that you can use it if you need it, in case of passing away during, through or immediately after the warning. With this, the soul that passes away as a shock experience, -departed, is not lost.
Around 3 a.m., I am awakened to the Rosary of Mercy. During the repetitive prayer, I experienced the following:
Demons want to pull me into hell. They are ever at my side and behind me. I see hell as it is below me, then I see it opening. Its entrance is through the lake of fire, which is a whirlpool moving downward. That is where these demons want to push me in. I resist with all my strength, screaming, for panic overcomes me. The demons do not manage to push me in, so they leave and right after that the devil himself stands behind me. I plead to heaven. Jesus invites me to look at hell, to visit, but I feel only panic and shock and say I would do it for HIM, but I do not want to go in there myself. I feel the greatest distress, panic, and Jesus respects my decision. At that moment, the prayer of deliverance is sent to me. I say it again and again, and Jesus with God the Father and Our Lady show themselves to me very clearly. They were present at all times, but I could not see them all the time. It is 4:39 a.m. when the vision ends. Our Lady says, 'This is a prayer of liberation. Pray it.'
My children. This is a short act of atonement, powerful and with great effect, if you commit it with a pure and from a deep heart. Amen.
Dear Children. 7 Hail Marys for the conversion of sinful humanity. Accept this prayer and commit this act of reparation with a loving, intimate and supplicating heart. The more children convert, the milder the end times will be.
So make atonement, beloved children that you are. The Father is most pleased with those who make this atonement in love. You can repeat it daily. The more you atone, the more atonement you offer to Jesus and the Father, the greater the effect. Amen.
Carry your loved ones in your heart, My children. It is important to carry them in love in your heart as you make your prayer of atonement for them. You can do this for all your family members and reinforce it by calling Me their names or giving Me a mental image of them. Amen.
Source: ➥