Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, October 13, 2023
The Power of Your Guardian Angel!
- Message No. 1412 -

Message of October 7, 2023
My child. The times that await you will not be kind. It is important, My children, that you remain in love and always in prayer to My Son, to Me (note: Father), the Most Holy Virgin and Mother of God Mary and 'your' saints and holy angels.
Especially, My beloved flock of children, you MUST pray to your guardian angel! He is always by your side, so ask him for protection! Ask him for guidance! Ask him to protect you from all harm!
He whom I, your Father in Heaven, have placed at your side, SERVES YOU, for he serves Me and listens to My Word, yet your address is important, it is so important, My beloved children.
If only you knew how great is the power of your guardian angel! You would be in constant prayer with and to him!
My children. I, your Father in Heaven, love you so much. Out of this love for you, I created you, each one of you, and gave you a Holy Angel by your side -each one of you!-. so that you NEVER walk alone through your life, so that you find protection, because HE protects you, so that you remain protected from bad things and dangers, but you do not use the Holy strength and power of your Guardian Angel, you do not pray to him, you do not speak with him, indeed many of you do not even know him, and yet, My beloved children, he is always by your side. So know and consider what great things he can do and accomplish for you, if only you would address him, ask and pray to him!
I, your Father, have given you so much love and out of this love have placed such a powerful angel at your side, yet you do not know about him, you disregard him, you do not speak to him, and yet he protects you and guides the paths you take, to the extent that you allow, looking ahead and always, I repeat: Always concerned about your salvation and protection!
So pray to him and know about him and talk to him and ask him.
The power of your guardian angel is so much greater, but you must ask for it, My children, you must pray and ask and truly perceive him!
He is with you! You are never alone! He is waiting for your address, beloved children that you are.
What he can accomplish, you will experience only when you begin to pray to him, to ask him and to 'perceive' him.
So take this message to heart, for I am concerned about you.
You do not perceive, do not accept and do not use My gifts that I gave and always give you out of love. That is, you do not use them or hardly use them or do not really know about them.
Your potential will never be realized or granted to you unless you begin to pray and acknowledge and perceive Him, your Guardian Angel, for who He is.
Begin, My children, begin, for you will need your guardian angel more than ever in these times that are upon you. Amen.
Prayers to your Holy Guardian Angel you will find in these and other messages. So use them.
I love you very much.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
You do not know about the strength and power of your guardian angel, and you do not realize his potential. You are blind to him, yet he is ALWAYS with you. So begin to perceive him and pray to him a lot! Daily prayer is the minimum that you should address to him, YOUR PROTECTOR ON EARTH.
Yours and your John.
Apostle and 'favorite' of Jesus. Amen.
*... (Note: All intentions can be inserted here.)
There are many guardian angels who are feeling sad because many do not take them into account; remember that we respect your free will, but if you invoke us and ask the Father for our protection, we'll willingly come to serve you. Pray the prayer of the Guardian Angel morning and night, so that you have their protection and assistance. We Guardian Angels are your friends who watch and intercede for each of you. Do not forget us; remember that we are your protectors and guardians and we care for each one of you. Our mission is to protect you and lead you down the path that leads to God's Kingdom.
Source: ➥