Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 7, 1994
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions

First Apparition* and Message
From Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
*(Marcos): (The circumstances of this occasion were reported in the introduction to this book. It is also worth saying that Our Lord Jesus Christ had appeared to me before in the form of a poor beggar, as I reported in the Introduction of the book, however, this can be said to be the first Apparition of Our Lord, since it was the first time I saw Him as HE Himself)
"- I AM (pause) the True GOD. I come to communicate this Message. Taste of My DIVINE, which fills this place and your hearts. Taste of My Inexhaustible LOVE! It is the LOVE that speaks to you now.
Seek ME! Love Me! with all your heart. I AM the 'wind', that you don't know where it comes from, nor do you know where it goes.
I AM WHAT IT IS and WILL BE forever.
I AM the Alpha and the Omega! the Beginning and the End! I AM the Almighty GOD!
My Cross is Your Safety! whatever you ask through Her, I will grant you. My Sacred Heart has compassion on you, and grants you these Graces.
Worship Me! Kneel down in adoration!
My son, you have served my Holy Mother with love. I thank you, and I feel happy for your obedience to all that she, in My NAME, has communicated to you. You are an obedient servant, and this pleases Me greatly, my son.
Now I AM the one who comes to finish the 'WORK' that My MOTHER began in My NAME. more than three years ago in this city.(pause) This 'WORK' is MINE! I AM the one who does it all!
Love Me! My most precious BLOOD will deliver you from all evil! From now on, I will come seven times. always on the 7th, to leave you Messages. (Note - Marcos): (Later, Jesus extended this time, at the request of His Most Holy Mother)
Don't be afraid, my son, these Apparitions will be welcomed by the Church, but for now, it's necessary that you suffer a lot for my LOVE.
Be patient. Pray and believe in My LOVE.
You'll worry because you can't fast because of your illness. Don't worry. I welcome these illnesses of yours, offered as a means by which I will do 'wonders'. Don't you still understand that I want you crucified with me on the same cross? Have confidence!
*(Observation): (It was a period when Marcos was always sick, and could not fast on bread and water and then replace it with something else)
Everyone cry! Cry, all of you! Tears (pause) are the greatest worship I want to receive from you!
They left Me abandoned (pause) and forgotten in the Tabernacle. The Angels there worship Me. The demons also bow down* before Me, and proclaim Me the True KING. Only you mortals do not bend your unworthy knees before Me.
*(Logically the demons do so unwillingly, constrained by Authority and DIVINE Power)
Seek Me here, in the tabernacle. where I am, day and night, to grant abundant favors from My Sacred Heart.
You have abandoned Me. and My Sacred Heart is no longer known to you. You have lived and sinned until now, helped by Satan! You have breathed his 'smoke', and you have lived wandering and unbelieving until now.
Breathe from My Grace and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Truly, She was sent by ME 'here' more than three years ago, that My Plan might be fulfilled. Obey!! what She says in My NAME.
Woe to those who close their ears to My Holy Voice! and the Voice of My MOTHER. They will be like firewood (pause) burning in the burning fire.
Satan now tries to destroy all of My Plans, but. My Mighty Foot will defeat him. and crush him.
Of all the Rosaries. (dedicated to Me) what I love most is that of Mercy. Pray it every day, that the world may be converted, and have Peace. I will pour out an 'ocean of Mercy' on all those who pray it every day.
Soon my Holy Spirit will come down upon all the earth, and renew it completely.
My MOTHER is always in touch with you. Why don't you listen to her? Right here, within your prayer group, there are still 'very hard' hearts that have not yet opened to Me.
O children, kneel down in adoration! Worship Me! Pray! Pray! Pray!
I have never loved such a group! in My NAME. That is why I speak to you with infinite Mercy. I have many Graces and Blessings to bestow on souls, and every time I come to My children, I pour out copious Blessings and Graces.
Today I inscribe you, all who are here, with the Ink of My Most Precious Bleeding, in the 'Eternal Book of Life'. the Book where are the Names (pause) of those who will be saved.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. *(Our Lord, in the Blessing, pronounced the Names of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity in Latin)
Message of Our Lady
"- My children, Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Marcos) "- Forever be praised!"
"- My children, (pause) have seen the LOVE of Jesus for each one of you. I thank you for your openness of heart.
You did the Siege of Jericho, and this made Jesus very 'happy'. They did the DIVINE Mercy Novena, and Jesus felt happy!
Now I ask for a siege of Jericho every month, from the 1st to the 7th, to wait for Jesus.
My children, Jesus came to finish the 'WORK' that I, in YOUR NAME, began here.
Do penance, dear children, and give me your hearts. See how Jesus loves you and how little you love Him.
My children, the daily Rosary (pause) is your way of being ever more united to Me. Come!
Soon My Flame of LOVE, united to the Holy Spirit, will descend (pause) and renew the whole face of the earth. The TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart will come, and the whole face of the earth will be renewed.
Jesus, with His Almighty Heart, will overcome the enemy, and destroy him. Therefore, My children, My Mission is to take you to the 'top'. with GOD!
Pray the Rosary every day! (pause) I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.