Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Prayers taught by Our Lady, Queen and Messenger of Peace to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacarei SP, Brazil
Table of Contents
Seven Rosary Prayers given by Our Lady in Jacarei
1º Rosary of the Eucharist
(to be prayed kneeling)
(Taught on June 26, 1993, and modified by Our Lady in this Message below)
Chapel of the Apparitions - at 10:30pm - May 11th, 2000

The Rosary of the Eucharist gives great Glory to GOD, and great Joy to My Immaculate Heart, but... if you want to give more Glory to GOD and more 'happiness' to My Heart, pray the prayer of the small beads like this:
Thanks and praise be given 'through Mary' at all times, to the Most Holy and DIVINE Sacrament...
I will be particularly grateful, to those who Honor Me the most, through this prayer, and I promise to obtain for them 'Special Graces' from My Son Jesus for their souls... and My Son, in HIS turn, will reward with even greater Graces, those who Honor HIS Blessed MOTHER through this invocation, to HIM...
Five Mysteries

(I) Our Lord feeds a crowd of 5 thousand people (in the desert, with the loaves and fishes He had multiplied).
(II) Our Lord promises the Eucharist saying: 'I AM the Living Bread come down from Heaven.
(III) Our Lord feeds a crowd of 4 thousand people (in the desert, with the loaves and fishes he had multiplied).
(IV) Our Lord institutes the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper (on the night of Holy Thursday).
(V) Mystery of Hope: Let us contemplate the promise of the TRIUMPH of the Eucharistic KINGDOM of Jesus, united to the TRIUMPH of the Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Mary.
On the first 3 beads
My GOD, I believe, adore, hope and love You. I ask Your forgiveness for those who do not believe, do not adore You, do not hope and do not love You.
Apostles' Creed ...
On the large beads
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You deeply.
I offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the earth, in reparation for the outrages, blasphemies, sacrileges and indifference with which HE Himself is offended, and I ask You, by the infinite merits of HIS Most Sacred Heart, and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the conversion of all poor sinners.
My GOD, I believe, adore, hope and love You. I ask Your forgiveness for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You.
On the small beads
Thanks and praise be given 'through Mary' at all times, to the Most Holy and DIVINE Sacrament
At the end of each Mystery
Glory be to the Father...
O Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, grant that I may love your Son Jesus present in the Tabernacle without ceasing, night and day.
Blessed and praised forever be the Holy Sacrament.
On the last 3 beads
Holy GOD, strong GOD, immortal GOD, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Closing Prayer
O Jesus, we know that You are truly present in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
We desire to console
You for the sacrileges and sins with which You are offended in this Admirable Sacrament.
We join the choirs of
angels, to adore You.
We unite with the choirs of the saints, to worship You.
We unite with the whole
Church, to worship You.
We offer this prayer in reparation for the sins, sacrileges, and blasphemies by which
You are offended.
Praised are You forever. AMEN.
2º Rosary of Peace
(Taught on October 26, 1993)
Begin with an Offering Prayer

DIVINE Jesus, we offer You this Rosary which we are about to pray, meditating on the Mysteries of our Redemption. Grant us, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Mother of GOD and our Mother, the virtues we need to pray it well, and the grace to gain the indulgences of this Holy Devotion.
We offer it particularly, in reparation for the sins committed against the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for World Peace, for the conversion of sinners, for the souls in purgatory, for the intentions of the Holy Father, the Pope, for the increase and sanctification of the clergy, for our Vicar, for the sanctification of the families, for the missions, for the sick, for the dying, for those who have asked for our prayers, for all our particular intentions, and for Brazil (or your country).
We offer them for your intentions, O Mother of Heaven, and for the TRIUMPH of your Immaculate Heart.
Opening Prayer
I unite myself to all the Saints who are in Heaven, to all the righteous who are on earth, to all the faithful souls who are in this place. I unite myself to You, my Jesus, to praise Your Holy Mother worthily, and to praise You, in her and through her.
I renounce all distractions that come to me during this Rosary, which I want to recite with modesty, attention and devotion, as if it would be the last of my life.
(Meditation on the mysteries of the Hail Mary Rosary)
In the Joyful Mysteries we contemplate

(I) The Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to Our Lady, and we learn HUMILITY and HOLINESS...
(II) The Visitation of Our Lady to Her cousin Saint Elizabeth and the Sanctification of Saint John the Baptist, and we learn CHARITY towards our neighbor...

(III) The Birth of Jesus in the poor cave in Bethlehem, and we learn SIMPLICITY and the DISPOSAL of earthly goods
(IV) The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple and the Purification of Mary Most Holy, and we learn OBEDIENCE and PURITY...
(V) The Meeting of the Child Jesus in the Temple among the Doctors of the Law, and we learn to SEEK Jesus with all our heart in the Eucharist, HIM, HIS WISDOM...
In the Sorrowful Mysteries we contemplate

(I) The Agony of Jesus in the Garden of Olives, and we learn sincere CONVERSION of our life...
(II) The scourging of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we learn the MORTIFICATION of our senses and the Holy FAST...

(III) The Crowning of Thorns of Jesus, and we learn to RENOUNCE our GREED and EGOISM...
(IV) Jesus carries the Cross to Calvary, and we learn PATIENCE in the tribulations and crosses of our life...
(V) Crucifixion and the Death of Jesus on the Cross, after three hours of intense agony, and we learn to HAVE HORROR and to FLEE FROM sin, and to LOVE GOD above all things...
In the Glorious Mysteries we contemplate

(I) The Resurrection of Jesus, and we learn to have UNLIMITED TRUST in GOD'S LOVE for us, and in HIS SOVEREIGN POWER...
(II) The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven, and we learn to STRONGLY DESERVE Heaven...

(III) The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, gathered in prayer with Our Lady in the Cenacle, and we learn to BE DOCTORAL TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, and for HIM to open our hearts, through the IMMACULATED HEART OF MARY...
(IV) The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, and we learn to live a holy life, to be PURE in body and soul...
(V) The Coronation of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth, and we ask Her for the Grace of FINAL PERSEVERANCE with our fidelity in FAITH until the last moment of our life...
On the first 3 beads
Come Holy Spirit, through the Door of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (3x)
On the large beads
Queen and messenger of Peace, intercede Peace to the whole world.
On the small beads
Queen and messenger of Peace, pray to GOD for us.
At the end of each mystery
All Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
O my Jesus, forgive us of our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls into heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Deliver us from wars, evil, violence and give us PEACE.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to You, and for all those who do not yet turn to You.
Jesus, Mary and Holy Spirit we love YOU! Save us from the evil of hell. Amen.
Holy Angel of Peace, Pray for us.
On the last 3 beads
By Thy Tears of Sorrow O Mother, deliver the whole world from wars and infernal forces. (3x)
Closing Prayer

O Mary, Queen and Messenger of Peace, we beseech You, bring Peace to the whole world, Peace in the church, Peace in families, Peace in Hearts, Peace in the whole world! May we all be like You, messengers and instruments of Peace. May the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, come with the Gift of Peace, through the door of Your Immaculate Heart. May the Peace of Your Immaculate Heart, O Mary, destroy the forces of hell. O Jesus, Prince and Lord of Peace, Have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen.
After the closing prayer: (optional)
Consecration to Our Lady
O My Lady, O My Mother, I offer myself entirely to You, and in proof of my devotion to You, I consecrate You this day and forever, my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart and entirely my whole being. And because I am thus all Yours, O incomparable Mother, Guard me, and defend me as Your child and Your property. Amen.
3º Rosary of the Consecrated
(Taught on October 18, 1994)
At the beginning
Our Father... Hail Mary... Apostles' Creed...
On the large beads
Most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, to You I consecrate myself and all my family!
On the small beads
Mother, save us through our consecration to Your Immaculate Heart!
On the last three beads
Father, thank You for having chosen us from all eternity!
At the end
Hail Holy Queen...
4º Rosary of the United Hearts
At the beginning (in honor of the Holy Trinity)
Our Father... three Hail Mary... Apostles' Creed...
On the large beads
Our Father...
GOD the Father, GOD the Son, GOD the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us who call upon You.
On the small beads
Jesus and Mary, We consecrate ourselves to Your United Hearts as Your children.
On the last three beads
Jesus and Mary, END this war and bring Peace to the whole earth.
5º Rosary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
(Taught on May 27, 1998)
(Marcos): The Blessed Virgin, Queen of Heaven and Earth, taught the "Rosary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary". Here have been transcribed only the parts of the 'dialogue' essential to the understanding of the Rosary that Our Lady came to teach. Everything else that happened during the apparition, before and after the moment in which Our Lady taught this Rosary, will be published later, on another occasion... Our Lady taught us to pray it like this:
On the first 3 beads
Holy, Holy, Holy! Holy Heart of Mary, give us Your peace and Your joy!
On the large beads
O Most Holy Trinity, we glorify You through the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
On the small beads
O Pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Be our 'STRENGTH' and our 'LIFE'!

(Our Lady): Here is the interpretation of the 'Seven Roses' that I bring to My Feet, in My Image as Queen and Messenger of Peace....
The 'Seven Roses' also symbolize the 'seven rosaries' that GOD has charged Me to teach you here, in the apparitions of Jacareí... Four of them have already been taught. Behold now the fifth, and I will also reveal the sixth and the seventh, so that in this way all that GOD has commanded Me to bring may be completed, and so that then My Holy Work may reach its 'complete perfection'...
(Marcos): What is the meaning of the 'three rays' that descend from Your Heart in the Image?
(Our Lady): It is the symbol of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit... of which My Immaculate Heart has been 'temple and tabernacle'...
6º Rosary for the Church
(Taught on May 31, 1998 - Vigil of Pentecost)
(Marcos): The Blessed Virgin taught the "Rosary for the Church". From this apparition, only the essential parts of the 'dialog' have been written here, which are necessary and sufficient for a perfect understanding of the rosary Our Lady came to teach. What took place during the Apparition, before and after the 'parts of the Message' in which Our Lady taught this rosary, will be published later, on another occasion... Our Lady taught to pray the 'rosary for the Church' like this:
At the beginning
Our Father... Hail Mary... Apostles' Creed...
On the large beads
O Holy Spirit, for LOVE of Thy Beloved Spouse Mary, unite Thy Church, and give her Thy LIFE!
1st Decade - On the small beads (I)
O Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for Pope John Paul II and the whole Church...
2nd Decade - On the small beads (II)
O Mary, Mother of the Church, ray for the Bishops and the whole Church...
3rd Decade - On the small beads (III)
O Mary Mother of the Church, pray for the Priests and for the whole Church...
4th Decade - On the small beads (IV)
O Mary Mother of the Church, pray for the Religious and for the whole Church...
5th Decade - On the small beads (V)
O Mary Mother of the Church, pray for the Faithful and for the whole Church...

(Our Lady): This rosary will dispel the darkness of hearts, will eliminate the uncertainty of faith that many feel...
This rosary will be the 'Strength' of My children in the 'difficult times' to come....
This rosary will unite the Church, show what the 'truth' is to all those who are confused...
This rosary will dispel the heresies, and it itself will be the reason for the fall of the 'antichrist' himself...
With this Rosary, My Motherhood will shine with the 'Strength of a thousand suns' within the Church, and then everyone will recognize where Jesus is, because everyone will recognize where I 'truly' am...
With this Rosary, I will guide the Church to the TRIUMPH... this Rosary will lead My Children to remain faithful in the Faith...
7º Rosary of the Triumph
(Taught on June 6, 1998 - during the second apparition, at 10:30 pm)
(Marcos): In this apparition, the Blessed Virgin taught the "Rosary of Triumph". Here are reported only the essential parts of the "dialogue" during the apparition, necessary for a perfect understanding of the rosary that the Virgin came to teach. What happened before these moments, however, has been omitted here, to be published at another time, if Our Lady wills and permits it.
(Our Lady): You should pray this Rosary like this:
At the beginning
O Flame of LOVE from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, ablaze all the Church that desires You!
On the large beads
O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, by the 'breath' of Your Mouth, destroy the infernal forces, and raise up Thy KINGDOM of LOVE and Peace.
On the small beads
O Mary, by the 'strength' of Your Rosary, destroy Satan and make Thy Immaculate Heart TRIUMPH.
At the end
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O merciful, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.

(Our Lady): This is the last Rosary that I will teach you, to complete the 'seven roses' that I bring to my feet, the 'Seven Rosaries' prophesied in these Apparitions...
You should call it the "Rosary of Triumph"... (pause)
With this rosary, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 'Invincible Lion', with the 'strong breath' of His Mouth, and My Immaculate Heart, by the 'strength' of My Rosary, we will destroy Satan, and finally, we will bring OUR KINGDOM of LOVE, of UNITY, of JOY, and PEACE to the world...
My children, there is little left now! It is the 'last hour' ... Arm yourselves with these 'weapons' that I have given you for prayer, and in this way, we will crush the cunning and proud adversary, who seeks in every way, to show that I have been defeated...
Now is the time to 'lift up' all the power GOD has given Me! Therefore, My children, pray this Rosary, so that at the end My Immaculate Heart may triumph, and I, the Victorious Queen of the world, may, as soon as possible, sit on the throne which belongs to Me, and then rule over the whole earth, elevating it to God...
My children, pray the 'Rosary of Triumph' every day... (pause)
I wish to finally say that this Grace that you have had, so many Rosaries 'heavenly' revealed, nobody else has received in this world...
Therefore, much more than happy, feel 'Blessed', and thank the Lord with Me, who has left Me time to stay with you and teach you to pray with LOVE, to fight with LOVE, to win with LOVE...
When I am no longer with you, these 'Rosaries' will give you 'strength' not to be discouraged... Hold on to them, so that on the 'DAY of My Triumph, I will see all of you in 'RESURRECTION and LIFE', in 'ETERNAL JOY', that GOD will soon give you...
I bless you in the Name of the Father... of the Son... and of the Holy Spirit... (pause) I return to Heaven... The Holy Trinity calls Me... I leave My Peace...
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary