Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fatima and Pink Mystica Day.

Jesus speaks through His tool Anne in the Rosary Church in Heroldsbach at about 0.15 am on the night of atonement.


During the Holy Mass the Nine Choirs of Angels were present and sang the 'Gloria in exelsis Deo' in different voices. I also saw the manger at the tabernacle brightly lit and the baby Jesus in a very bright circle of light. Many golden rays emanated from the manger and the star of Bethlehem constantly flashed above the stable.

Jesus now says: My beloved children, I want to thank you for having followed My call, the star of Bethlehem. This star will now always point the way, My little band. I, Jesus Christ, speak today in this night of atonement through My humble, obedient and willing child Anne. All words are My truths and not from her. She speaks My words and she is My mouthpiece.

My beloved ones, live these truths, because only then, in the last stage of My imminent coming, will you be protected from the evil that walks like a roaring lion. How much you are locked up in my love. Through the many resistances that you have to experience in this time, you will be taken deeper into my love and strengthened. You will be pursued and attacked. Then be grateful, for the truth is crystallizing. If you get fear of men, change it into fear of God. Then I will press you more firmly to my loving heart.

Move daily in divine spheres, then you will experience relief from your ailments and difficulties. My mother will always call down a host of angels for you, so that you do not succumb to them in the times of testing. Come daily to My Holy Mass of Sacrifice because I want to pour out rich graces on you. Your Jesus in the manger is waiting for your visits. If you could only guess how many rays of grace emanate from my manger, you would make use of this time of grace.

Yes, My beloved children, I know how much you must endure in My name. Bring these sacrifices gladly, for they will be fruitful for many priests who need repentance. In this midnight hour of atonement, your beloved Jesus will move many priests to repent through the beloved little Jesus.

Always be aware that you are in the greatest battle of Satan. With My beloved Mother, the Mother of My Only, Catholic and Apostolic Church, you will achieve the imminent victory. She gathers you under her wide mantle, because she always looks at you. You are her beloved children, her children of Mary, who do not succumb to the struggle. She watches over you, even if you feel nothing. She has taken dwelling in your hearts. How often she looks at you lovingly and caresses your face tenderly, because she carries your suffering with her.

Yes, My beloved sons of priests who still want to belong to the bishops and do not obey the Supreme Shepherd (the Holy Father) need a complete conversion. They suffer a great inner struggle. They cannot free themselves from the satanic powers by their own power. How empty are their hearts. No light illuminates their souls, because they are in a complete darkness. How many chances have I given My bishops and priests' sons. But unfortunately I must now let my justice prevail. This causes My Divine Heart unspeakable pain and My Mother's heart is deeply grieved. Watch and pray, for the hour of my coming is drawing near.

I bless you with My beloved Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in my love and hold out until the end. Do not let up in availability.


