Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Guardian angel proof.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His child Anne after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During Holy Mass, of course, there were many guardian angels around us, behind us, in front of us, above us. It was a celebration that I could no longer grasp. That we have such a protection, I would not have imagined that. The angels only look at us all the time, where they can help us. They walk behind us to also make us realize that we regret what we did wrong, so that we can learn from it. There are often several guardian angels with us, who protect us. The guardian angels also went outside and hovered over the houses in all directions, so that all of Göttingen would have this protection.

The Heavenly Father now says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today at the Guardian Angel Festival through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She will always speak the words that I would have proclaimed. They are always only My words and nothing is out of her.

I, the Heavenly Father, would like to invite you today to this great feast to call down again and again the holy guardian angels, especially in this last time of the coming of My Son. The fight of Satan is so great that you cannot grasp it. Of course the Blessed Mother is the protector and all the angels are there to protect you, but the evil one is very cunning.

My children, who read My words on the Internet, be wise and wise. Obey these your guardian angels. They will manifest the good in your heart. If it is very easy, it is not my will, but then it is your will. Do not obey him, because I always want to make known to you the severity. The difficulty lies in My will, because My way is stony and it leads to Golgotha for those who want to fulfill My will and who hear My words in their entirety and follow them.

Now I want to address My beloved daughter and My beloved tool Gisela. My Gisela, today I would like to recant on the Internet what you have publicly announced to people. It does you no good, My daughter, not to want to fulfill My will. Look not on your will, but on the will of the Heavenly Father. You have received confirmation that this Marienkirche in Heroldsbach is a freemasonic church, that it was built by freemasonic powers, financially and so. Around this church is a freemason's Way of the Cross. If you have not seen it, you have not heard it, that you are misleading people by bringing them into the church to experience the meal fellowship. The tabernacle is empty, My daughter. You know it through the objections. Only you have rejected it.

How many people from Heroldsbach and other places have you misled by this. Yes, you have even publicly proclaimed that the words of my daughter Anne are not in the truth. You once did not fulfill my will. Have you not apologized through Me to My tool Anne? You should be careful not to make this mistake again and you have made it again. How much you have offended Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, by this, how much. Now I am forced to put this on the Internet. And my tool Anne finds it very difficult to have to do this because I demand it of her. She has transferred her will to me and that is why all words, which she now speaks, lie in my full truth. Nothing is out of her.

Still I want to tell you that your beloved Padre Pio looks at you sadly today because you do not practice obedience. You obey the Masonic bishops. You obey the Masonic priests who are in these modernist churches. You continue to go to these modernist churches, even though you know the truth and have been told it by fax and the Internet. You have all possibilities, My daughter, to convince you of My words. Why are you taking action against this community in Göttingen? Why do you do this in public?

You are My daughter and yet you speak My words. I have chosen you, but you no longer obey Me. Have you not considered that you are not insulting My daughter, but Me, the great God, the loving Father, the dearest Jesus in the Trinity. It has to go on the Internet, beloved daughter, so that many people wake up now, so that they are not misled by you, by your words that you speak yourself. It is not true what you said.

My faithful, who have been led astray, do not listen to these words. I, the Heavenly Father, do not lead anyone to a Masonic Church, no one and certainly not My chosen ones. Straightens this and corrects this. Get back on the right path and never enter this church again. You will experience sickness and serious confusion if you continue to enter it, for you know that this priest in Heroldsbach is a Masonic priest. He proclaims his words, that is, the words that the Evil One gives him, that is, the words that the Freemasons give him. He is forced by the Freemasons to pronounce these prohibitions. They do not lie in the truth these prohibitions which he pronounces.

Go to the church of the rosary. Atone for him. Pray for him and sacrifice for him, that he may not fall into the eternal abyss. I do not wish it, because I want to save him from this disaster. Ask down all the guardian angels who will accompany him on the right path. That move him to repent. Ask the Blessed Mother, the Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach, that she may have mercy on him, that she intercede with the Heavenly Father for this erring priest's son. I want him back, I want to hold him in My arms. I wish that he makes a good and honest confession, that he receives My Holy Sacrament of Penance and that he returns to My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is my will and my desire.

And now I bless you, My beloved ones, with all your guardian angels, with the archangels, with the Queen of the Rosary, now that the month of the Rosary has begun, in the Trinity, of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be protected, loved, blessed and sent forth from the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Praise and glorify the Trinity for eternity. Amen.


