Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, February 2, 2009

Feast of the Candlemas.

Our Lady speaks through her child Anne after the Holy Tridennian Sacrificial Mass.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. An extremely large group of angels had appeared today. The altar of Mary was in radiant light. Rays emanated from the heart of the Blessed Mother. The Holy Archangel Michael was enlightened during the Holy Mass to keep evil away from us. St. Joseph was next to the Blessed Mother and many angels knelt around the Blessed Mother. They sang the hosanna.

Our Lady speaks today: My beloved children, My chosen ones, My little flock, you who are left and want to sacrifice all your will to the Heavenly Father. You are ready to do His will, which He will reveal to you. Thank you, My little flock. I want to thank you today.

Today you are celebrating the feast of the Candlemas of Mary. Today, on this feast, I have offered My Son in the temple. I have laid Him on the altar as an offering and given Him to the Heavenly Father. Can you understand this, My little flock? In this moment My sacrificial life has begun. Everything that was in My heart, I wanted to do for the Heavenly Father. Everything heavy I have sacrificed in this moment also for you, my dearest ones, also for you.

You too place this offering on the altar in this holy sacrificial banquet, which was again celebrated today in all reverence. In this holy sacrificial banquet I have strengthened you. I was with you. In you it became light. This light, this bright light, was kindled, because you were to carry the light further. You have become the light bearer. This is called the Candlemas. Your hearts became light. And this light is Jesus Christ. He reveals himself in your hearts. He is with you. He is the light of the world. And all who believe in Him in the Trinity will be surrounded by this light. They will not walk in the dark like the others, but the light will be for the others as well. You have received this light today and will carry it further into the world.

This objection also comes to the Internet, and therefore this light is carried further. It is to go out into the world. The world is to become bright again, brightly illuminated, because Jesus Christ is the light of the world and you are to follow this light.

If you keep His commandments, My children, then it will be light in you, then you are not separated from your dearest Jesus. He is with you. I, as mother, may be with you as mother of love, as mother of beautiful love. I, too, will help to make this light brighter. And that is what I promised you on this day.

Light means love. This love will be more deeply instilled in your hearts. And therefore your heart becomes brighter. You are not to walk in darkness, but you stand in the light, in the light of Jesus Christ, my Son. Everything that is dark shall be kept away from you. That is why the Holy Archangel Michael was also enlightened today and stood in a bright light. He is the patron of your house chapel and he will continue to keep this evil from you.

Much is cut off from you. Much of what you experience is a great disappointment to you. But in the light of God you will endure these disappointments. It will not get dark. No, the reinforcements will come because you need them and because they come from My Son, from the Heavenly Father in the end. He watches over you. He holds his hands over you out of love for protection. He is love itself, love in the Trinity. Can you ever understand this love He has for you? He will give everything, everything, not just a little. He has offered himself as an offering today. I brought him to the temple, I, the mother. And therefore it became light.

I, too, have had to and was allowed to suffer many pains. Not because My Son imposed them on Me, no, because He told Me: "Dearest Mother, you are also the Mother of Sorrows and you are with Me and you will endure this suffering so that you can later also shape men, so that you can stand by them in need, in tribulation and in illness.

Through you, dearest Savior, I was enlightened today. I was strengthened by you. Yes, this suffering is for you. I have also placed this offering on your altar. I bring them to you, myself, with all that I am and have. I will not rebel when you strengthen me. Only your strengths, give them to me, then I shall be rich enough and demand nothing more, for you shall be my center. You are my love. Nothing shall separate me from you. And that is what everyone should say: "You are my love. Nothing shall separate me from you."

The Blessed Mother continues: Yes, My children, I as Blessed Mother speak a few more words. Again and again I will strengthen you, My children. You are My children of Mary, My dearest. Why should I not ask you for these strengths? Are not all the angels around you? Is not everything kept from you, and when the hardest comes to sacrifice it? Then your Mother comes and holds you firmly in Her arms because She sees your suffering, because She carries your suffering with Her. Never, My children, will you be alone without the Heavenly Mother. I am with you. I am holding you. I bring you into the bright light. Then look into the light.

Look into the light of My Son. He is the light and you will never perish, even if your suffering today is so bad for you, my little one. Your heart becomes heavy because you also suffer for this one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. I am the Mother of the Church and I am allowed to share with you this pain for this Church in which My Son suffers the most.

He founded it. He holds them in his hands, even if you want to destroy them. The foundation is laid, and the foundation is He Himself. And He Himself, My Son, has chosen the representative on earth for you. He himself was. Does it also look at the moment as if everything is in powerlessness, but the power of God will come. Power flows from His heart, from the heart of My Son. There is the center of life, and there the New Church flows out. From His power it will arise. Never from the strength of another and from the power of others. The Almighty God holds His Church. He is the omnipotence.

He can change everything in an instant, but He calls people to atonement because too much has been sinned in this church. Too many sacrileges were committed. And you, My children, atone. And for that I thank you. All that is atonement, all that is sacrifice from you, that will be fruitful. I take it to the father. Put it into My hands. The Father will never refuse you a request which He has planned for you and which means good for you. He will not be able to refuse them to Me. I care for you, My children. I know what it looks like in your hearts. You long for the oversized love and you give it to My Son, this love in the sacrifices, because the sacrificial love is the greatest love.

The cross means salvation. And when you all accept this cross, My children in the whole world, these children I address now, they are My children because I am the Mother of the Church, the Mother of the world, too: Come, come to Me. I spread out My cloak and wait for you. Many of you are in great need. Do you not believe that Heavenly Mother is waiting for you and looks into your hearts and recognizes your need? She wants to soothe them, I, the dearest mother. Come to Me! Come to My heart and to the heart of My Son! These United Hearts are burning with love for you and you want to let light and the fire of the Holy Spirit flow into your hearts so that you can survive and endure everything, persevere in the most difficult times. That is why these strengths. That is why there is always light for you.

Remain faithful to heaven, My children! Therefore I ask you. All heaviness you can bear if you remain faithful, if you do not fall away. I protect you from it. Then cry to the sky when it becomes too heavy for you. I know your need and I will alleviate it as mother of beautiful love, as caring mother. And now your dearest Mother, the Heavenly Mother, the caring Mother with all the angels and saints in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bless you. Amen.

St. Joseph has also blessed us. He is the patron saint of the church. Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.


