Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Feast of the throne of the Holy Apostle Peter.
The Heavenly Father speaks very serious words after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in Göttingen through His instrument Anne.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. There were again countless angels present. They have sung in different registers. It was an indescribably beautiful, harmonious song of praise. The altar and the altar of Mary were bathed in golden light.
The Heavenly Father speaks today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, at this moment, to My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that are from Me, the Heavenly Father.
My beloved children, today I want to teach you Love, Divine Love. If you would do everything for heaven but do not have love, nothing would be fruitful through you. Love is the greatest. And that is why I want to reveal to you again and again, live love, because then you will be able to make many sacrifices, sacrifices of love, not of human love, but of divine love, everything for the sake of heaven. Then you can accomplish works that seem unattainable for you. But for heaven nothing is indissoluble. Often you are powerless and do not know how to continue on this path. But then I come with the Divine Strength, and you can even perform miracles. But remember, your faith does not consist of miracles. Your faith shall become stronger through the love that your Heavenly Mother also lets flow into you again and again during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice.
She is the Mother of the Church and wants to protect you from all the evil that is happening in the Church in this last phase, just as the Holy Archangel Michael keeps everything from you. She is the mother of beautiful love. She lived the great love, the unique love.
My children, can you too do everything out of love, out of love for Me, the Heavenly Father? Can you leave father and mother, children, fields and meadows and all your possessions? Can you do all this for My sake, to follow Me? This means full input. This means the greatest love. I desire it from you who follow me. From you, the small flock, I demand the greatest sacrifices, total devotion of the greatest quality. You are not capable of doing this from within yourselves. But my heavenly mother will shower you with grace, because she is the mediator of all grace. You will accept this grace. Then you can live the greatest love. Yes, it will strengthen you when you can leave everything out of love for me. This love also means for you to endure abandonment and loneliness, to endure persecution, envy and also mockery. You, who follow me, must be able to make the greatest sacrifices out of love. I will repay you a thousand times over. If you do not allow this great trust to penetrate you more deeply, you cannot accomplish everything that I desire from you.
Many of your closest friends have strayed. They have separated from you. They have not gone further with you along this arduous path. They are not willing to make the greatest sacrifices. Only when you want it, my children, so you will be strengthened and you will always be able to walk this path further in love.
How sad is heaven about these people who have gone along a part of My way and then turned their backs on Me. It is sad for heaven to look down on these people full of love, but also full of sadness. My mother suffers with Me, with the whole heaven. As you know, in many places she weeps tears, even blood tears, for these lost children. I have called these too, but they did not follow their calling. I had chosen them, but they did not realize this choice.
How sad it is for Me that you, My chief shepherds, do not want to go along this arduous way to Golgotha. You mock My messengers and messengeresses. You enemy them. You even slander them. Where do you take the right to do this, since I have chosen and appointed them to do my will, to give my messages out into the world? For believe that this is necessary and this is an addition to the Bible. I have always appointed prophets. They have always been the target of hostility. Are you not learning, My chief shepherds? Do you not love Me with all your heart? Who do you love more: me or the world? So far you have turned to the world, and this is very sad and bitter for you, because you do not walk the way of truth, but you go astray. You believe in heresy. You believe in ecumenism. How could this be in truth? There is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith, My beloved shepherds. Have you forgotten My faith? Is this belief the same as other religions? Is there any egalitarianism in it?
No, my children. This Only Church has founded My Son and He will found it anew. But consider, you shepherds, that you are then lost. I must say to you: "Get away from me, for I do not know you! Think this over again. Once again I call upon you: "Turn back! Turn back! Turn back!" You are on the path of heresy. And I love you boundlessly and want to be able to again include you in my heart and be allowed to do so through humility, not through your power, but through a humble, repentant heart. This is the heart I want from you and I want to connect it with My Heart burning with love and with that of My Heavenly Mother.
And now I bless you, love you, protect you and send you out with My dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, your Padre Pio, Saint Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Once more I say to you: Live love, for love is the greatest! Amen.
Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen.