Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Göritz in Allgäu through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again large crowds of angels from all four directions entered the house chapel. They gathered around the tabernacle and worshipped kneeling. The symbol of the Trinity shone in golden splendor. The Heart of Jesus was united with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Little King of Love again connected His rays with the Child Jesus.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and only repeats words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved believers who follow My Son Jesus Christ and My beloved pilgrims here in Wigratzbad, I would like to show some research today.

I, the Heavenly Father, am now going back a part of the way with you, because I want to record these gifts, the precious gifts, for you And since you are going up this stony and straight path to Golgotha, I would like to go back some ways with you.

You, My beloved children, were not always on this right path. You were on the modernist path. Can you remember that at that time you said yes to modernism, that you received My Son Jesus Christ in Hand Communion, that everything was in truth for you, you meant what is in modernism? You also believed in everything.

It was a small moment, My beloved little one, in which I touched your heart, - a small moment of light and knowledge. I give this moment to all who show their readiness of heart. In this little moment you have realized what is truth and what is untruth. You are like following My Son Jesus Christ. The realization was: oral communion.

You found it difficult to receive My Son in this reverence of oral communion. You stood in the spotlight of the believers. But you said a willing yes. And it is on this yes that it depends, my beloved ones.

Also with each one of you this little moment of knowledge was there, My beloved little flock. You too have recognized the truth in this moment and you have turned around. You have shown yourself reserved towards modernism.

One day, My beloved ones, I announced this truth to you that I had to take My Son out of all the tabernacles of modernism, My beloved little flock, My beloved willing believers. That was a fright for you. You could not imagine it: Is this really the truth of Jesus Christ? Was He not at all times present in all tabernacles in the Godhead and mankind? Should this all be in the past?

Some, My beloved ones, have followed you on the stony way of My Son Jesus Christ to Golgotha. Many believers, who had been in the full truth up to now and had also gone along the way, stumbled. Doubts came up: Do we have to believe this, is this still the truth, what my daughter Anne says to me, the heavenly Father?

She has received this knowledge from Me, the Heavenly Father. She has believed in this truth and she has announced it through my Internet. My truth has penetrated into all the world. And I was sad about the many believers who have gone this way so far and followed my son. But now they had strayed. They were in confusion. They had to turn away from My little tool Anne, from Me. They have not believed that I, the Heavenly Father, manifest My truth through you. They wanted to take the easier path, namely to remain in modernism. To stay in their individual parishes was easy. Not having to part with these priests of her parish was easy. Not having to part from their children, who are still in grave sin today, was easy.

But what have I asked, I the Heavenly Father? I have asked that these believers, as well as you, My beloved little flock, should separate from their children and give them to Our Lady. And why, my beloved ones, because these have turned them away from the truth. They could not withstand the faith of their children. They have strayed and swum with them in the current, in the current of disbelief. Yes, it was easy for her to part from you, My beloved little flock. In that moment you were suddenly despised. You were no longer believed. But what was behind it:.

I, the Heavenly Father, have continued to manifest and reveal My Truth through My little willing instrument Anne.

The priests fell off in rows. They could not believe in this truth. Why? Because they wanted to continue to exercise their own power. These shepherds and chief shepherds have not believed and to this day do not believe in my truth, which I reveal through my little tool Anne.

Is she not My little nothing, My beloved shepherds and chief shepherds? What is wrong with you that the Heavenly Father speaks to you in truth? What is wrong with these messages, My beloved shepherds? What is really in the untruth? Tell me silently if something does not correspond to the truth. Until today you have kept to the canon law. Are these chief shepherds still in truth today? Do they practice obedience to the Holy Father? No! They didn't do it. Is this Holy Father, the representative of Jesus Christ on earth, the follower of Peter, still in this truth today? Is he not also strayed from faith, from true faith? Didn't he also integrate himself into this modernism? Doesn't he still hold this modernist meal fellowship today? Secretly he celebrates the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast in his chambers. Is this right, My beloved believers? Can you then believe in the truth? Must you obey this church when it leads you astray, when it lies in confusion, when it strictly and consistently rejects my messengers, yes, even wants to kill their souls, persecutes them, envies them? Is that right, My believers? Can you hold on to this faith? Is this still the true Church, the true Catholic Church that you witness? No! It's not her anymore.

My Son Jesus Christ will suffer this Church anew in My little one. He will have to found them anew because the chief shepherd and the shepherds no longer follow the truth and no longer believe in the truth. They have strayed and you all follow this mistaken belief.

How often, My beloved believers, I have told you: Leave these modernist churches and go into your homes. There you can celebrate the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast. You can include yourselves in this Holy Sacrificial Feast, which is also celebrated in the Tridentine Rite all over the world. And this is My Holy Sacrificial Feast. You then have a valid Holy Mass. You do not need to renounce this commandment on Sunday, but you can participate in it and it is a valid Holy Sacrificial Feast.

Why do you not do it, My beloved believers? Why do you continue to go into these modernist churches? I have revealed everything to you through My little one in the messages. They are scattered all over the world. In many countries they are read and followed. But where are they the most hostile? In your fatherland Germany. There I appointed My prophetess. And she followed Me. She follows this stony path with her small flock to the end. She said her full yes to me and transferred her will to me. She remains My willing little tool and My nothing.

Will you too continue to go astray, My beloved believers, after your Heavenly Father has made known the truth to you? How much I long for your hearts. Have I not also touched your hearts in a moment? Have you not recognized it, the full truth? But you were not willing to go this stony path. My beloved little flock prays for your conversion.

My beloved faithful, take the Holy Sacrament of Penance if you want to walk the path of truth. Turn back! The time, my time, is not yet fulfilled. Just a little while and then the action will be there. Where are you then, My beloved believers? Are you anchored in modernism or are you on the true path to Me?

I love you all, and My longing grows from moment to moment, because I want to press everyone to My heart. My longing and the longing of My beloved mother is oversized.

I bless you now, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers of My Son Jesus Christ and you My beloved pilgrims from near and far. The Triune God with all the angels and saints, with My beloved Mother, blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Follow me! The way is stony and difficult, but your Heavenly Father will accompany you on this journey. You will never be alone because your Heavenly Mother will be there for you. Amen.

Mary with the child love us all and give us your blessing! Amen.


