Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Feast of the Nativity of Mary.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göritz/Opfenbach in Allgäu through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Many angels were gathered around the Blessed Mother today, also around the Child Jesus and the Little King of Love. They were also grouped around the tabernacle and the symbol of the Trinity.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, on the feast day of the birth of My Mother, My beloved children, My beloved pilgrims and My beloved little band. Why do I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today and not the Blessed Mother? Because I, the Heavenly Father, want to honor My Mother in Heaven on this day of your birth. I, the Heavenly Father, always speak in the Trinity. In the Trinity I love My Heavenly Mother. She is the Mother of the Trinity. Some people and some believers do not understand this, that I always speak in the Trinity: In three persons. And I am also present in these three persons.

It is important, My beloved children, that you believe in this Trinity, because in the other religions or communities of faith there is no Trinity. There is a God there whom they worship, but it is not the Triune God, nor the only Catholic and Apostolic faith. There is no other faith than this one. And the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, the Holy Eucharist, was instituted by My Son Jesus Christ, - He alone! It is the greatest sacrament, - the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. It is not only a thanksgiving celebration, My beloved ones, it is a great mystery, which you have celebrated daily at this altar of sacrifice 4 ½ for months here in Göritz. I thank you for your willingness, for this love that you have shown me as a small group.

My beloved Dorothea was at the same time connected by telephone with the house church in Göttingen. Also this many cannot understand and do not want to understand it. I, the Heavenly Father, speak only through this My Messenger. She is the only one to whom I, the Heavenly Father, reveal Myself. She repeats My words. It is not theirs. Often this is doubted, and how often are the words of my messenger thrown to the wind. But it is I, the Heavenly Father, who wants to reveal Himself to you out of love, so that not so many will go astray.

And what about My Heavenly Mother? Is she not the Queen of all priests and the Mother of the Church? Does she not watch over the church? Yes, you are celebrating your feast today: the birth of My Heavenly Mother. But how sad she is at this your celebration. She sees this church going astray. It has become a misbelief. And how many people are confused. They become confused from the authorities down to the shepherds. No one any longer reveals to them the right way, the way of truth, love and faith. Where are My beloved ones straying to?

My Mother and also I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, are not pleased about this and cannot rejoice over these My creatures who continue to be led astray. They are manipulated to believe so and not otherwise.

Why, My beloved ones, have I appointed and chosen My messengers? So that my creatures shall listen to my words. In this time of confusion and error I, as Heavenly Father, must reveal myself.

Believe and trust, My beloved ones! Return to the Trinity! Turn away from this modernism, which is nothing but misbelief! Look at the priests, the priests of today! What do they do? They lead their flock astray. They themselves are confused and do not know that they no longer teach the Catholic faith, but the mistaken belief. Nor do they know that the tabernacles are already empty, the tabernacles of modernism. My son Jesus Christ is no longer in them. That is why so many are going astray at this moment. Who then lives there in these tabernacles? The Evil One. The evil one rules you, My beloved ones. And I want you back, back to the true Catholic faith.

How many tears of blood has My Heavenly Mother wept and how many she cries on this day! How precious it is to recognize, love and honor such a dear Mother, the Heavenly Mother. Is she not the most beautiful of all the beautiful, and the sweetest and the most graceful? I, the Heavenly Father, look at you with My Divine Eyes. It is also the purest. She is completely pure and not burdened with original sin. She has never committed any sin because she was chosen to become the Mother of God. Mary was you once. Today she is the Mother of God or the Mother of God. I, the Heavenly Father, would like to emphasize once again Do not call her Maria anymore. My Auserkorn Mother, is the Mother of God. It must never be said: "Mary has helped. Is it not the Blessed Mother herself who frees you from these grave hardships because She has asked Me at My throne through Her intercession? I fulfill her every wish. I read every wish from her eyes. She looks at Me with her pure and lovely eyes. Can I resist her, I, the Heavenly Father? No, because I love you, My Mother of God.

And so I would like to send you back to your homeland Göttingen today, on this feast day. Yes, I have chosen this day. It was not easy for Me to send you back to your homeland, because the evil one has still taken over his regency here. So far, Our Lady, My Mother, has not appeared above the Church of Atonement, nor has St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel.

Wait in patience! The Heavenly Father will arrange everything and provide for everything during your absence. Very soon you will visit this place again, but according to my wish and plan. I determine the time of your departure and I also determine the day of your arrival.

I love you, My beloved ones, My beloved little flock and you My pilgrims from near and far. Listen to My words and obey them because it is the truth that My messenger and My instrument Anne reveals to you according to My desire and plan, not according to her desire.

Thus I bless you with My dearest Heavenly Mother, all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! I wish you a safe journey home! You are filled with blessings and graces. Amen.


