Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Second Sunday in Advent.
The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Rosary, the Holy Sacrificial Mass and the Holy Adoration, large crowds of angels repeatedly moved into the house chapel. The Blessed Mother was brightly illuminated with Her Twelve Star Wreath and Her Rosary also sparkled. Her white coat was covered with golden stars. Outside, the Advent pyramids shone on all the windows of the house, and it became brighter and brighter in this house of glory. The tabernacle, the symbol of the Trinity and the statue of Christ shone in a bright glow during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.
The Heavenly Father speaks today on the second Sunday of Advent here in the house chapel in Mellatz after the Holy Mass of Sacrifice: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.
Beloved followers, beloved pilgrims, beloved little group, I love you immeasurably. I would like to tell you first of all because this path to Mount Golgotha is becoming steeper and steeper and you have followed it up to now and you are willing and ready to continue on this path. You have many ailments, many sicknesses and many temptations from evil, and yet you keep saying a ready "yes" to Me, the Heavenly Father. You endure these temptations and do not fall away, while some have received great graces in this house of glory and despite everything do not correspond to My plan and desires. They follow their own wishes and do not want to make greater sacrifices because it is too difficult for them. They want to continue to perceive their own life, what they have lived so far, in their order.
Yesterday you had to experience a great suffering because My Son Jesus Christ suffered even more in you, My little one, who already had to go through so many atonement sufferings for men and also wants to. With tears in your eyes you saw the Heavenly Mother crying for those who do not fully fulfill the wishes of the Heavenly Father. You were all very sad. And you, little one, have suffered greatly because Jesus Christ suffers in you. It was rejected. He was treated indifferently. He himself has poured out these greatest graces and she has received these graces and heard these words that were applicable to her, and yet my wishes and plans were not fulfilled in any way.
And now I want to tell you, my beloved ones, be alert! Be ever more alert and courageously continue on this path and confess also with courage and perseverance the truth, namely my truth! Even if it is very difficult for you and it does not correspond to your wishes to pass on my will, my little one, I still wish it that you communicate my plan and my wish.
I know that you suffer, that you suffer even more. You cannot understand and comprehend that My truths are treated so indifferently, even though the greatest graces were received here in this chapel in Mellatz. How much have you promised, My beloved ones, that is, I have received these promises. But men have their own will and I will still not break it because their own will always remains.
My beloved ones, today you celebrate the second Sunday of Advent. Let light shine into your hearts, the Divine Light, because you are being prepared for the second coming of My Son with His Heavenly Mother. This path is becoming increasingly difficult. That is why the light will also continue to shine in your hearts, the light of truth and knowledge, because you believe, believe deeply and do not let yourselves be turned away from this faith. So this bright light will shine more and more, because the knowledge must be. This is the preparation for the second coming. You are to pass on these truths through your radiance. It comes from within you, and people will recognize these rays even if they do not tell you.
Thank you, My dear Catherine, for having placed these pyramids, the light of God, in the windows throughout the house, to make the House of Glory even more beautiful and festive. Everything shines in the glow of cleanliness and order. You have taken care of that, because at the moment my little one cannot stand by you.
I know that you suffer, My beloved little one, that you must be idle and bedridden to atone for the many crimes and iniquities of the priests. I suffer from it and My son in you. But you do not stop at atoning. Far beyond your human limits you endure this suffering daily, hourly and also at night. I know that you call Me in these Mount of Olives hours, I may make your suffering more bearable. But unfortunately, my beloved little one, I cannot yet take it away from you because too many souls stand at the abyss. They are not willing and not ready to do my will. That is why you suffer even more. I support you in every situation. And your two, who belong to your little flock and stand by your side, they suffer with you and support you. They do not leave you alone, because it is my wish too.
Beloved pilgrims, beloved believers, how little and how intensively you read these messages, otherwise you would recognize much more clarity and truth in these instructions. You would not ask. On the contrary, you would be sad about these great sufferings of my little ones. You would support them, even if you yourselves have your sufferings. Hours of atonement are also in demand with you - and also nights of atonement.
Have you considered that you too are meant in these Messages and not only My little flock? She herself bears the suffering of the whole world. The mission for the world is so great that you cannot recognize or fathom it. But you shall believe and believe more firmly! You shall read and read again! Many only read some messages and then very superficially. They see their own problems and share them with My little band that has so much to endure in this house of atonement of glory. On the contrary, they would have to tell you how sorry they are that you have to suffer so much for the world because the world does not want to change. People persist in their crimes and do not make valid confessions.
I would like to add that anyone who is really willing to obtain absolution by telephone from My chosen priestly son must comply with all the requirements that are made of them, and then to comply with them in their entirety and not only in part. This is hard, My beloved believers. They are selected chosen ones who can and want to believe and who are also willing to accept all sacrifices. Do they really? No!
As you realized yesterday, they take it indifferently and do not see that this absolution is something very big and only for the chosen ones. It is not for everyone to confess to Me, the Heavenly Father. To receive absolution by telephone from My chosen priest is a gift, an exceedingly great gift. You cannot get this in between when and at what time you want it, but My beloved priestly son determines the date.
And that is to change now. You have to be able to respond to this appointment, you have to make sacrifices and you have to be able to make a confession to your relatives, your children and parents, and then first repent of your sins with me, the Heavenly Father, and then receive absolution, - this great gift.
You have not recognized it yet. You have often taken it for granted so as not to have to confess elsewhere. You have also failed to recognize that the Pius-Brothers and also the Peter-Brothers are not in the truth, do not recognize mysticism, and also do not celebrate a valid sacrifice of the Mass according to Pius V, and despise, mock, slander and take away the honor of the messengers. Is this right, My beloved faithful as chosen brotherhoods to do this and then to say we are holding this Holy Sacrificial Feast after 1962 according to Pope John XXIII? No! it is not right.
My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which exists only once and which has been canonized, is that according to the Holy Father Pius V. And this you shall celebrate, because this alone lies in the full truth. There I can pour out my streams of grace to the full extent as I want.
Why are you hiding, My beloved sons of priests? Why do you not confess the truth? Is your monthly income and the power you exercise the most important thing in your life or is it I, the Heavenly Father, who so desires? Am I the center in your life, the center of your life? No! You have not proved it yet, only My beloved priestly son here in Mellatz. He follows my wishes and my plan, and nothing is too much for him. If I wish it, he too wishes it in the same way. He not only listens to My plans, but he follows them in their entirety. And that is important! Listen and follow and not just listen and not do anything else. That is not enough for Me, the Heavenly Father.
If you also still perform so many prayers during the day, but do not fulfill my will in its entirety, this is worthless, then you can also put these prayers aside. I cannot hear them, because you lack love for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. She is not important to you. Still your egoism and your work is in the foreground. Your family, your children, your grandchildren, they are more important to you than your loving Heavenly Father, who gave you everything and gave the life of His beloved Son Jesus Christ for you. Must you not part from your families when they are in grave sin, when they do not conform to My desire and plan? Is it then still right that you take them in, that you fulfill their wishes and put My plan aside?
What does my little one do? She fights for you. But then, when you do not fulfill my will, then you have failed and you have fallen. Then I must say to you: I do not know you.
You have received everything and in spite of everything you have given Me a clear No. The sacrifices are too much for you, but my love, with which I follow you and have given you so many chances, you have not recognized and have not paid attention. And that is why I must once again shed many tears of bitterness for you, which my dearest heavenly mother also cried again yesterday.
I love you boundlessly if you obey My wishes and I can say to you: You are mine. You obey everything because you are in love, because in love you can master everything.
Continues to support my little one. It lies in the greatest oil mountain torments and suffers for you, also for you, who do not want to fulfill my will. Everything is possible if you say: "I will obey You, My dearest Heavenly Father. You are my first priority and everything I have promised you I will do immediately because I love you.
And so, My beloved ones, today, this second Sunday of Advent, I continue to let the Light shine in you and give you the Divine Power that will be in you and will sustain you. I am still here, my beloved, even if you do not feel me, even if I do not forgive you the great sacrifices and you seek me in the greatest agonies. I see your sufferings and suffer with you because you are mine and you belong to me who support my little one. Keep doing it and remember that she can hardly endure the greatest oil mountain torments without your help, without your support. She loves me and she calls me, but her suffering is always in the foreground.
Suffering out of love and suffering for Me, the Heavenly Father, is the greatest, because My Son Jesus Christ suffers in her the agonies for the New Church and the New Priesthood, which absolutely must be founded, because you see, everything in this Church is on the ground and is destroyed, as the Holy Father showed you when he fraternized with the Antichrist. This is my greatest agony - even today.
Read it! Believe and trust! It is the truth, even if it is not shared with you! I tell my little one everything! Not that she alone must know it and her small flock, but the world must know where the Church stands, that she is devastated in all situations: in the liturgy, in the priesthood and in the entire clergy. Amen.
I bless you now in the Trinity with My Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints, especially you, My beloved little flock. I love you and protect you and stay with you! Trust, for I am here and will never leave you! Blessed are you the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.