Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, large crowds of angels again moved in and out of this house church in Göttingen. But they were also with me in the sickroom at the same time and surrounded this sick bed.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today on this sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost and would like to prophesy to you once again that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite, is the only Holy Sacrifice in truth. There is no extraordinary holy mass of sacrifice. This is the ordinance that My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted and left to you before He died on the cross.

My beloved children, how much My Son Jesus Christ must love you all. In this love He renews His Holy Sacrificial Feast on all the altars of sacrifice through the holy priest. It is the renewal of the sacrifice of the cross. He offers it to the Heavenly Father for your redemption. He himself walked the path of redemption. He was crucified by His own people, although He worked many miracles. These wonders were obvious and visible. But in spite of everything His own people scourged Him, crowned Him with thorns and mocked Him. You cannot understand, My beloved ones, that these people could be so cruel and nailed Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to the cross. He was blameless and remained blameless because He is the Son of God and He took upon Himself all the sins of the whole world to redeem you. And his dearest mother? Had He not given them to us under the cross to the mother? Didn't she have to witness and bear the greatest suffering of her son?

Yesterday you celebrated the Feast of Mary's Seven Pains and her heart was pierced by Seven Swords. Is this not cruel, My beloved ones, My beloved clergy, My beloved Episcopate, My beloved Curia and My beloved Holy Father? Remember that Jesus Christ, My Son, also went to the cross for you.

Have you not committed many sacrileges? Do you not want to end this by reciting it in a good holy confession and deeply repenting of it? These are grave offences, My beloved ones. But I want to see you in my ranks, under my following. I do not abandon you, for you are My beloved sons of priests, whom I myself have chosen and anointed through the Supreme Shepherd of the respective diocese. Can you forget this, My beloved clergy, that you made this consecration and promised to obey the Heavenly Father in the Trinity at the highest degree in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice? It is you, My beloved sons of priests, who are standing at the altar and in whose hands this great mystery takes place, for Jesus Christ is transformed in your hands. He becomes one with you. His soul and the soul of the priest son become one. A merger takes place. This is something very great that you cannot explain to yourselves - to be one with the Godhead, with the Son of God.

You are My servants, My beloved sons of priests. You serve Me in the Holy Sacrificial Feast and only you distribute Communion to the faithful with your anointed hands. It should never be a layman who distributes Holy Communion.

Many priests dare not recognize this great mystery and try to explain it in a human way. No! This is not possible, My beloved priests, because it remains the greatest mystery of My Son Jesus Christ, namely, He Himself transforms with divinity and humanity: the bread into His Holy Body and the wine into His Holy Blood. He becomes one with you, my beloved sons of priests, because you receive him first.

Pure holiness is happening here and this is certainly not something you can experience in Protestantism. There are no ordained priests there and there are no Seven Sacraments. This exists only in the only, true, Catholic and Apostolic faith to which you belong.

I only prophesy you the truth, for I am the truth itself. I am the way, the truth and the life. Whoever remains in me and in whom I remain, has eternal life.

And you, My beloved believers, My beloved children and followers, you want to attain eternal life. That is what you are here on earth for. But here on earth you will not be able to enter heaven without the cross, because the prerequisite is that you follow the cross of my Son Jesus Christ. He carried the cross before you and went to the cross for you and you are His followers. You too accept your cross, as I already conveyed it to you yesterday. It is always important that you accept your cross as it is carved for you, as it fits you. Your cross is important, not the cross of another. It is associated with pain and with many difficulties and with many diseases. But you will master it if you unite with the Son of God, with the Almighty God in the Trinity, with the Redeemer Jesus Christ, with the Omniscient and the Almighty Triune God. This is what you are dealing with. He is above you and above all. He himself created the world for your pleasure. Therefore you may thank Him that you may belong to Him, that you had the knowledge that the only, holy, true sacrificial faith is the right and true faith.

You are called and chosen, My beloved children. I have chosen you and you have said your yes. The yes did not come pitifully. It came safely. You wanted to follow Me because you recognized deep in your heart: "This is my faith, I will follow it and I will be led deeper and deeper into this faith.

Streams of grace flow in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice. And they will not stop flowing, because it is an eternal, ever renewing source. All sins can be blotted out by the Holy Sacrifice if one deeply repents and takes the Sacrament of Penance. Then you, my believers and my followers, can begin anew. With me a beginning is always possible. I embrace you in My arms after every Holy Confession. I also thank every priest son who was saved through your prayer and sacrifice, My beloved ones.

Be brave and courageous and continue on this path. It is the true way and you shall not stray from this way. Do not be influenced by Satan. He wants to pull you away from this true faith. And he wants to win you over with his claws. But My beloved ones, deep in your hearts is the certainty: "I love Jesus in the Trinity. I am his and I will always belong to him because he is mine. Jesus I love You, Jesus I trust in You. Jesus I praise You. Jesus I love You for all those who do not love You, who do not honor You and who do not praise You".

My divine soul shall be yours. She is there for you because the beloved Heart of Jesus, the Heart of My Son, beats for you. And the mother's heart will also never stop beating for you, because it has merged with the heart of Jesus. He loves you all. And all heaven is thankful and glad when you celebrate the most holy sacrificial meal again and again in truth and in praise of Him.

I would like to thank all the sons of priests who celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in truth. I call upon all priests: Follow your election, come back, because I have longing, overgrown longing for you! I want to love you like my eye star and want to embrace you with my mother because you are mine and I do not want you to sink into the eternal abyss. You remain Mine and I remain forever your beloved Jesus in the Trinity, who will continue to woo you because you are My beloved creatures and My beloved followers and My beloved little flock.

And so I bless you today with all the angels and saints, in the Trinity, especially with your dearest Mother and Saint Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


