Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday after Ascension Day.

The Heavenly Father and the dear Mother of God speak after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through your instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the priestly rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, large crowds of angels marched into the house church. They moved in and they moved out. They were grouped around the altar of sacrifice and around the tabernacle. But the greatest stream of angels went to the Mother of God. The altar of Mary was particularly brightly lit and shone in all colors. The precious stones in the mantle and crown of the Mother of God glittered. The Child Jesus leaned towards the Blessed Mother and greeted her.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you on this day, because I honor My mother today in a very special way and you too are to honor her. I speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved faithful from near and far, My beloved pilgrims of Heroldsbach, My beloved children of Mary and My beloved little flock, on this special day I and also the Blessed Mother would like to greet you, dear three mothers, and especially congratulate you on this day of honor, Mother's Day.

Our Lady says: It is also an honor for you to be a mother. Your children have turned away from you because they do not believe, and because they do not want to understand this. They do not want to change. But I, your dearest mother, have taken them by the hand and will shape them and finally lead them to the Father in heaven.

The Heavenly Father continues: My beloved children, take care that you give honor to Me, the Heavenly Father, and do not constantly think of your children. Your children are in good care. I, the Heavenly Father, watch over them. Even if they go other ways, you must accept this and learn to be happy without your children. Your children will thank you once in heaven that you have persevered in this most difficult time of the worst persecution of the Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The Heavenly Mother says: My beloved children, first of all I, the Heavenly Mother, would like to say a few words to you. My Heavenly Father has introduced Me to you and welcomed you. I, the Heavenly Mother, would like to thank you today on this great Sunday, because this day is called Rose Sunday, for the many roses. I have received almost 50 roses from My daughter Teresa. They stand at My altar and bloom beautifully. I thank you, beloved Teresa. You will get well again, for I have protected you during this time. With all the graces of heaven I have given you. I thank you for these roses. Today My daughter Anne will see how I, your dearest mother, will scatter roses. Was not Little Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus also given roses? She has strewed roses and so she stands by me, your Heavenly Mother, and on this day of honor she strews roses over you.

At this moment I look at the rose petals as they are scattered over us. What a joy! Thank you, dearest mother, for thinking of us on your day of honor. We worship You as our dearest Heavenly Mother. You stand by us in everything. This bouquet of roses is in honor of your beloved daughter Teresa.

Our Lady continues: You too, My beloved little flock, have given Me 33 roses for this day. They all bloom at the main altar and in front of the altar of Mary. You have given Me abundant roses on this day of honor and we thank and congratulate you on this Mother's Day.

In addition I would like to say that today also the atonement night takes place in Heroldsbach. You, My beloved little flock, will atone this night and a message will be given by Me, your Heavenly Mother.

The Heavenly Father continues: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you now. How much joy you have given me and my Heavenly Mother! I thank you that you are always ready to pass on My words and give Me a gift through your faithfulness. I love you and will always love you, My beloved little flock.

I especially love My Pope, who resigned his office according to My will and I would like to call him once again as My Benedetto: Turn back, because you are on the wrong track! Do you want to continue to witness this filth that is happening in the Vatican? You should be grateful if you are allowed to move out of the Vatican. You have resigned your office and no longer belong there. I wish you a deep remorse for your many sacrileges, sins and iniquities that you have committed throughout your time in office. You have much to atone and repent. My children have prayed for you over and over again, but to this day you have not followed My words and My plan. Though you have laid down your office, but not for my sake, but for your own. The fear was closing your throat that someone could do something to you in this chaos of your past curia.

And how does it look like today? The false prophet has taken your seat, and he rules the curia. Yes, it is. The Freemasons rule in this Curia, and you know that, My beloved Benedetto. Why don't you take refuge in your exile You are being followed, and you know it too. Escape while there is still time and believe in My words and My plan, because you should declare Vatican II ineffective. You did not do it, and it still exists. Satan rules in the Curia and the Vatican. Do you want to stay there? Don't you want to take off your papal robe and get rid of this dress? Are you not ashamed to kneel down and pray next to this false prophet who does not even believe in Me and spreads false faith throughout the Vatican?

Dearest Benedetto, I chose you and you were My Pope whom I chose in conclave. You, My children, have rejoiced in this newly elected Pope. With all the talents that you needed for this office, I have equipped you. You have left them lying fallow, and you have not spread the True Catholic Faith as Supreme Shepherd throughout the world. On the contrary, you have passed on the mistaken belief, and it has been lived all over the world as you have done.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, which I hold in such high esteem because it is the highest that can be celebrated only at the Holy Sacrificial Altar - only at the Holy Sacrificial Altar -, this you have denied. You have not celebrated it yourself, nor have you spread it among your bishops or among your curia. If you do not celebrate it yourself, what should the bishops think of you? Do you want them to believe in you? The bishops have realized themselves and wanted to spread the misbelief according to their measure. They saw only themselves. They have not seen Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. They did not put the tabernacle in their midst and believed in Jesus Christ, hoped and worshipped Him in the Holy Eucharist. On the contrary, they denied everything, even in the entire Curia. And that, my beloved children, corresponds to the full truth.

I wanted you, My beloved Benedetto, to break the chains that are tightened around the Vatican. You could have untied them, those tight chains around the Vatican, yes, around the whole Curia. But you did not do it because you did not want it yourself and because you had too little trust in me. You have developed human fears, but you never had the fear of God.

I still love you! I long for your soul! I want to have you back and free you from the clutches of Satan. Flee and go out of this Vatican! My little ones will pray for you, because they also love you and never desire that you fall into the eternal abyss. They will atone for you and for your past curia, especially this night.

The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit now blesses you. Amen. I love you and will love you forever with Divine Love! Amen.


