Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eighteenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass after Pope Pius V in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the Immaculata Rosary and during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, countless angels moved into the house church. The holy archangel Michael struck his sword again in all four directions of heaven and thus kept evil away from us. The altar of the Virgin Mary was bathed in glistening light, as was the altar of sacrifice.

The Heavenly Father speaks today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

Beloved children, beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims from near and far, the ship, the nave, My beloved children, has become fragile, yes, it is destroyed. The destruction came into the ship from all sides. You wanted to stop the destruction, and you will continue to do so through your atonement, through your prayer and through your being in prayer and in love.

My children, how much you are waiting for the conversion of the clergy. They are not yet ready to make their conversion. They hear My words. They actually believe in it, but they would have to change, My beloved children. But to bring about this change is impossible for them. Much has happened in their hearts in recent years. I want My priests back. I ask you to continue to be there for them through your prayer and through your atonement, so that they do not fall into the abyss, into the eternal abyss, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

My beloved children, how much I love each of you. I am saddened by anyone who will not believe. He can believe because my words correspond to the truth. If you pay close attention to the words in my messages, something will happen in your hearts, namely conversion. Do you not believe that you can repent, My beloved ones? Yes, it is possible. Repentance, my beloved, is difficult. Man must change. He practically does not have to want what he did before. He must believe in My words. He will often not understand this himself, why he does not believe and why many things take place in his heart that he actually does not want.

Look at the Seven Sacraments They are only available in the Catholic Church. And yet the Catholic faith is most doubted, also by the Protestants, so that until now Protestantism and ecumenism have already moved into the church, namely into the Catholic Church.

Love, My beloved ones, is important. When I have love and carry it out on the nearest person, I give an example, a model example. I want to be a role model, a role model for others. I do not want my faith to be invisible to others. Faith is also important for me. He is to become strong. It shall grow into the depths and into the width. That's what I'm here for.

This new book, which is now being given to the world, which can be ordered because it has already been published, this book is so important for all priests. I have therefore wanted to put it into their hands, so that they know exactly what it is up to them that they do not want to believe, yet faith is in them. They often cannot understand themselves. They want to pass on the faith and yet they do the wrong thing. You mean the lie is the truth. Everything in them is twisted and this twisting soon happens automatically.

I want My priests to believe and to love. I will take them in my arms and lead them back to me, the true Triune God. For this My Son went to the cross, and I chose My Mother as Coredemptrix. The most beautiful, the greatest and the holiest is She in heaven. She wants to lead you. Turn to Her Immaculate Heart. This Immaculate Heart will triumph over all obstacles. Go to your mother, turn to her. She is there for you. She will not leave you alone. No, she's with you. Unlock the doors of your heart. She wants you to consecrate yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart. This is important! You shall become one with your heart. Again and again I tell you the same thing: Consecrate yourselves to the Mother of Graces, the Intercessor, the Mediator of All Graces and Coredemptrix.

Yes, she went this way of the cross with pain. You too will suffer pain. If you are and want to be children of Mary, pain will be in you too. Surrender and accept the pain. Pain leads to salvation, because without cross and pain there is no salvation. You are My children, My father children and at the same time also the children of Mary.

The Heart of My Son and the Heart of Mary are one. They are fused together in love. And so you, too, should connect your heart with the heart of your mother. Take your mother by the hand. Your mother stretches out her hands to you. She wants to embrace you and love you, and she wants you to go the way of the cross.

This week is the week of pain. On September 15th you celebrated the Feast of the Seven Pains of My Mother. You too have given everything because you love your Mother and because She loves you and has preceded you and will continue to precede you in suffering and in love.

And so I bless you with all the angels and all the saints, especially also today with the Bridegroom of Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Padre Pio, St. Michael the Archangel and all the other saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You will be loved from eternity! Stay in this love and become strong! Love is the greatest thing you have and can ever have. Amen.


