Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Monday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the hospital in Wangen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak to you today, this second day of Easter, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, to you, My beloved little flock, and to you, My beloved followers from near and far. At this moment I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, speak on the second day of Easter.

Yes, My beloved ones, He is truly risen, He is truly risen, although My beloved priests would like to crucify Him again. They do not believe, they do not worship, they do not praise, they do not praise, even though My Son has endured life in the greatest suffering for all and has allowed Himself to be crucified to redeem all who are willing to take this true hardest way.

You, My beloved little flock, My followers, be willing and give yourselves to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and to My beloved Son who is risen. You continue to say a ready yes, although you, my little one, cannot understand many a thing that I must demand of you now, also on these Easter days.

Do you want to continue the Way of the Cross? Do you want to take everything upon yourself - your illnesses, your stay in hospital, your complaints in the hospital room itself? Everything is planned for you, My beloved little one, although it hurts Me, the Heavenly Father, that I ask so much from you on these Easter days. You have said your ready Yes and will continue to give it to Me. I thank you and all of yours who want to continue on this difficult path, who pray for you, who sacrifice for you so that you can bear the sufferings I demand of you. You will not fathom why you have to spend these days here in the hospital.

Today, on this day, I wanted to comfort you. Your discomfort yesterday was great because you cannot understand that you have to be in this hospital room. Everything will continue to be hard for you - the suffering, the illness, the serious heart surgery that you still have not overcome. But go the way further. Sacrifice and make atonement for My sons of priests.

Atheism has become so great, My beloved little one, that the priests no longer believe and above all are not ready to repent, although I have let the Holy Spirit flow into their hearts on these Easter days. Atonement after atonement I demand from my beloved ones, who are ready to want to go the hardest way, the way of atonement, the sacrificial way, the way of suffering, who willingly take up their cross and do not grumble about having to carry the cross. My beloved mother will support them.

I thank you, My beloved little flock, for decorating so abundantly on these days the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary and for strewing many flowers of love to My dearest Mother. I thank you for believing that you are taking this Heavenly Mother I have given you and asking her to send all the angels to you so that you may continue on the way. She does not leave you, on the contrary, she is the most loving mother who finds it difficult to see Her children of Mary suffer, especially you, My little one. Be brave and strong. Your Heavenly Father demands everything, everything you can bring, from you. The crosses are gifts. Please keep this in mind. Never will this be a punishment. The way of suffering is long for you, My little one, and strewn with many thorns. But it is a loving way.

Always look to your heart, because Jesus Christ My Son suffers in you and walks the Way of the Cross again. When you suffer, He suffers much more than you do. Please keep this in mind. He wants to move into your loving heart. He seeks in your hearts the consolation which He can find nowhere but with you, the believers, the lovers. Love shall accompany you on these days and the Novena of Mercy shall sustain you until the next Sunday, the Sunday of Mercy.

Support My little one, My beloved little flock, on this way in the hospital. Always remember that the suffering will be very difficult for her and she needs your encouragement and comfort.

And now I want to bless you on this holy day, the second day of Easter. I want to give you all the Easter graces that you need, that you should enjoy and that you should pass on to many people. These graces will be widely dispersed, especially today and next Sunday.

I love you, I bless you, I protect and guard you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Remain faithful to heaven! He will give you everything you need on this path. Amen.


