Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 10, 2016

8th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today we celebrated the eighth Sunday after Pentecost in a true and venerable Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening golden light. The red roses on the altar of Mary were set with small, shining diamonds. The tabernacle was brightly lit during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and also the Father symbol above the altar was not only bathed in golden light, but the Heavenly Father blessed us several times during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers and pilgrims from near and far, beloved children of Father and Mary. Today I call you so. Why, My beloved ones? Today I want to give you instructions on justice, mercy and divine love. A justice without mercy is not possible. I Am the just God in the Trinity. I want to be merciful to the other who feels a deep remorse about his own guilt. Mercy without justice means a dissolution of the church, which is taking place today.

I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am the love that never ends. What is taught today is love in the human sense. One prefers this love, because one says: "Love can be repeated in one marital relationship and also in the next so-called two-party relationship. That is not true, My beloved ones. A love that is sealed by the sacrament of marriage is indissoluble. This commandment is not followed today. It is said: "The next community in a marriage-like relationship after a failed marriage is possible". I say to it: No; these spouses commit a grave sin. This sin means that My sacrament of Holy Communion must not be received in this time of grave sin. But if one repents and confesses this grave sin and goes out of this sin, one can receive this sacrament again.

But if this person marries again, that is, enters into a second marriage, it means that he or she commits a grave sin before Me. It is not possible to receive My sacrament of Holy Communion. One cannot communicate mentally either. This is not possible. Unfortunately, the Supreme Chair has announced the untruth today.

You are in error and confusion when you perceive these indifferent possibilities. Despise sin, go out of this grave sin and follow me. Sin remains sin. This must be regretted. Sin means a turning away from true faith. You, my beloved ones, are separated from me at this moment. Repent this grave sin and come back to My Holy Sacraments.

After a failed marriage, it is possible to stay alone or to look for a partner who wants to participate in the Joseph marriage. But in almost all couples this is not possible, because they do not have the firm will to accept and carry out this possibility. But the possibility of Me, the heavenly Father, is given.

Many priests misinform these remarried people. They do not say an unambiguous yes to sin. You must repent of the grave sin, repent from the bottom of your heart. Then come into my arms and I will embrace you like a lost sheep from my arms. I will then lead you back to the Holy Sacraments. You will never be left alone. But a deep remorse is necessary.

The true, divine love for you will never cease. Separate them from human love, for this love is unfortunately taught to you. The Supreme Chair points out to you the human love that one can love several times, sometimes one partner and sometimes the next. The important thing is that you love him.

But I tell you: If you do not measure love with divine love, then you are dead from me. Why don't you believe that I am the true love Remain in the truth and testify to it with all your heart.

You, My beloved sons of priests, are asked to announce this truth to all. Today, unfortunately, this truth recedes into the background, as error and confusion are put first.

I, as Divine Creator and Redeemer of the Trinity, will be completely forgotten. I am excluded. One looks at humanity. The secular is in the foreground: "I cannot insult my neighbor. I do not want any quarrel between my family members if I profess to the truth." - Is that right, My beloved ones? Will you continue to avoid this quarrel and not testify to me that you really love me? Then, if the spouse wants to remove you from faith and truth, and also from the true sacrificial mass, then you must go this way alone to remain in the truth.

You must be able to separate from father, mother, children and brothers and sisters, yes, even from your husband and from all garbage and possessions when it comes to the truth. That is what I demand of you.

What about your suffering? Don't you all have a heavy burden to bear? Do you also accept this suffering for my sake? Or say to her: "Dear Heavenly Father, this path, it brings discord in my life. That is why I cannot continue on this path with you, please understand me. - No, my beloved ones, you are to fulfill my will completely. This will also sometimes requires separation and discord where true faith is at stake. You must testify and proclaim me truthfully. This is not easy in today's time, when one wants to remove the religious from life, where globalism is about faith communities. Everything is done the same way, everything is possible today. Man lives on without borders. No limits are set to it.

Where are the limits for you today, My beloved ones? The Ten Commandments, the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the seven sacraments. In it you receive the Divine Power. But if you leave all this out and say, "I cannot confess this, then I have the discord with the environment, with my relatives," then you are not my disciples who follow me, because I say: Take up your cross and follow me. I do not say: Follow those who are well-disposed toward you. You often do not feel the cunning of Satan, who wants to lead you away from the true faith. It can even be one of your relatives who wants to turn you away from the truth. This is enough to make you fickle and to get into the confusion. You are to become steadfast, you are to grow up into personalities. I love every creature equally and have distributed its task fairly to everyone. I am the Merciful God. I will approach mercifully to everyone who is just. I will not reproach him for the mistakes he has made in his life. No, I will take him into My arms after a true repentance and in that moment I will forget all the mistakes he has made in his life. I note the remorse. A repentant man who comes to me in a good holy confession has all chances to reach the truth.

That is what I demand of My sons of priests today. If they come to me repentantly, confess and repent of this popular mass in modernism before me, I will have mercy on them. I cannot accept this popular mass, because the 2nd Vaticanum is not authoritative for me, but the Holy Mass for the altar of sacrifice. You shall stand before the altar of sacrifice, you shall speak to me, my beloved priests. Then you celebrate a true, holy sacrificial mass and become sacrificial priests who please me, who unite with me alone.

I want to merge the priests with Me in the Holy Transformation. But I cannot do this, because the priests unfortunately hold the popular mass with the faithful. They turn to the people and not to me, the true Creator, their Lord and Master, Jesus Christ in the Trinity. He, My Son Jesus Christ, wants to transform Himself into His priests. These priests become one with him. Therein lie the gifts of grace that are distributed over the churches, the believers and far beyond. Therefore I wish that very soon in all parishes, by all priests, the Holy Sacrificial Feast will be celebrated in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

Yes, it is true that this chairman of the liturgical committee, expressed this wish that all priests from the 1st Advent on should celebrate the Holy Sacrifice at the altar in a dignified way. This is also My wish. I have overflowed him with the Holy Spirit and he will also want to fulfill My wish.

How important is the Holy Sacrificial Feast. How much power, Divine Power, can you draw from this sacrificial meal? You, My beloved sons of priests, are My consecrated ones, My darlings. How can I ignore you? How much do I love you? My longing for you is growing daily. How many tears have I shed for you because you are devoted to modernism and celebrate a popular meal instead of a Holy Mass of Sacrifice?

do you not realize how much I love you, how much I long for you to raise My Glorious Church?

For every single priest I am struggling today with the Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, who wants to unite your heart with mine. Also your heart, your Immaculate Heart, weeps and is sad for every priest, for every priest who turns away from the faith.

Be wise, My beloved, and wise too, for the wicked is cunning. He can work in every human being, if that person remains in sin. Be careful, surrender yourselves again and again to the Holy Spirit, ask for the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and implore the Holy Spirit before making an important decision. May he put the right words in your mouth and not put your selfishness first. Often your wishes are not my wishes. They do not correspond to my will.

Be grateful and stay calm and composed. The Holy Spirit is not present in the volume of aggressiveness, but in calm and serenity.

I love you all, My beloved ones, immeasurably. I would like to let each individual grow into a personality with all the gifts of grace I have given him.

My beloved ones, you are facing the great and mighty intervention, my intervention. That is why I still want to save many of you. And those who stand by me, I want to let grow up into a personality, so that they do not become fickle. Indecisive people can quickly turn to the other side, and they still fall over at the last minute when things get difficult. But strong men, who devote themselves to my truth, love me with all fibers of the heart all alone me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity. They are ready as tools to want to fulfill everything that lies in my will. They devote themselves completely to me, and they also do not avoid any difficulty. They gratefully and willingly accept the suffering and pain. The Divine Power becomes effective in them and you, if you put Divine Love first.

My beloved ones, I love you beyond all measure, every day more and more and want to draw you to Me in Divine Power. Look at me, look at my love. It is boundless.

I bless you today with the Divine Power, with all the angels and saints, especially with your victorious Mother and Queen, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready for this, My intervention. I protect you and will overflow you with My Divine Love.


