Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Fatima and Pink Mysticism Day.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V through Her willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The altar of the Virgin Mary and the altar of sacrifice were again richly decorated with flowers and candles. The Blessed Mother was dressed all in white and held her blue rosary in her hands. She was also to be seen again as the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach.

Our Lady will speak: I, as Heavenly Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach, will speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only words that come from Me today.

Beloved Muldaner, beloved pilgrims from near and far, especially your beloved pilgrim of Heroldsbach, beloved small flock and beloved followers. All of you have been able to experience this day, this, My day as Fatima and Pink Mysticism Day. Today you all went to this beloved hollow and celebrated there a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to the DVD. Everything was wonderfully prepared and festively decorated. A heartfelt thank you to the employees for all their hard work every month. Your Rose Queen of Heroldsbach will repay you because she loves you very much. I, as Heavenly Mother, am with you and watch you. I support you in every situation, even in the most difficult times.

Many graces will flow in Heroldsbach, especially on this day and also in the past atonement night, in which you have sacrificed, atoned and prayed a lot. Many troubles and worries preceded this night for all pilgrims.

You are My beloved ones because you pray and atone. You know that the Heavenly Father is serious about His soon intervention. I, your dearest mother, can unfortunately no longer hold back His raised arm. I would gladly do this, but it is no longer permitted to me by the heavenly Father, for the measure is full.

You, My beloved Muldeans and pilgrims from near and far, have prayed very much last night for the conversion of the priests. You will not meet any priest who tells you about his repentance. You shall believe, even if you see nothing. This is the most difficult thing that the Heavenly Father expects from you. Confidently believe that your prayers are not going nowhere, but that you have saved many repentant priests. Like every month you did not give up. This is still your way.

Some priests will realize that it cannot go on like this in this modernist church. Often the priests are forced not to enforce their own will because they alone are weak and no one stands by them and supports them. This spiritual weakness is noticeable in the hearts of many priests today. Unfortunately it looks like this today. They are forced to adapt to the will of the authorities. It looks today as if nobody really believes. But this is the view of the Freemasons and of evil. He wants to mix everything up. He is the liar. Unfortunately, many priests fall for this ruse of Satan. And yet they recognize in their hearts that this most difficult way, the way of truth, is the way of the truth.

Also I, as your Heavenly Mother, wish that you, My beloved sons of priests, will fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father in the future and will celebrate a Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V daily, to fulfill the plan of the Heavenly Father. You are kept from the truth by many confreres and pressurized to do the wrong thing. You know the truth, my beloved ones. The evil one is mighty, strong and cunning. You know that.

I, your dearest Mother, the Mother of all priests' sons, continue to desire that you consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. You should receive full protection. This protection I have poured out on you today. Many graces have flowed from these victims of the Muldaner in Heroldsbach.

For you, streams of grace over streams of grace mean faithfulness over faithfulness. You, My beloved ones, you are faithful to the Heavenly Father because you know that the Father in heaven is the One who guides and guides you. You will never go astray because you submit to the plan of the Heavenly Father. You know what He expects from you.

The Holy Archangel Michael has again kept all evil away from you today. St. Joseph also watches over the House of Glory in Mellatz. There the streams of grace flow abundantly on this special day.

Here, in this house church in Göttingen, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to Pius V was celebrated in all reverence and the greatest streams of grace flowed far beyond this house church.

You often cannot believe, My beloved ones, how far these will go when you pray, atone and sacrifice and you place yourselves at the disposal of the Heavenly Father's plan. The Heavenly Father sometimes asks a lot of you. But he also knows that it is good for you. He wants the good for you and never the evil. You have the discernment of spirits, for you have been told so many times before. You recognize evil. Ask the Heavenly Father again and again in this difficult time that you may recognize the cunning of the evil one. You do not stop praying and sacrificing. You are ready to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father, even if it should be difficult. You say, "Yes, Father, if it be thy will, it shall be done on me.

You, My beloved little flock, have had to make many sacrifices, especially in this last time, and still today. But do you believe, My beloved ones, that I, as Heavenly Mother, do not know about your worries and diseases? Am I not your dearest mother who protects you and takes you in her arms? I also look at your cross at the same time and I lift it up when it seems too heavy for you.

Love will prevail, My beloved ones. You will be able to endure everything out of love. The Divine Power will strengthen you, never the human. You are weak in human strength, and you know that, but that is not so decisive. The Divine Power will flow into you and you will be amazed at how many miracles are happening around you. Often you do not see these small events that I, the Heavenly Mother, ask of the Heavenly Father. Often you do not see these little wonders. But they are there. Little things will accompany your day and make it more beautiful. You bear the heaviness because you love the heavenly Father. You know, My beloved children of Mary, that the Heavenly Father looks upon His Church, the Church of His Son, Jesus Christ, which is in utter destruction. These priests, and these are some who are dedicated to evil and are too weak to confess the truth. They are not willing to fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father, although He lets the streams of grace flow into their hearts.

I, as Heavenly Mother, ask My Heavenly Son again and again that He may enter into the hearts of the priests and shine around them with His Divine Love. May they recognize that the Father, the best Father in heaven, desires only the good of His beloved priestly sons. He never demands or forces a priest to tell the truth. He desires that they fulfill His plan.

How many times I, as Heavenly Mother, kneel before the Throne of the Heavenly Father and ask for you, My beloved sons of priests, that you may have the desire to repent. If you only want to, my beloved ones, I will stand by your side, help and assist in every situation, no matter how difficult it may be. You are my beloved and chosen ones. The Heavenly Father has chosen you. It is not from you that you are strong. He is the one who has chosen you, and you are to remain faithful to Him and prove your love to Him. He loves you at all times and He does not leave you.

As the Heavenly Father often repeats, He has a great longing for you, My beloved sons of priests, for your readiness to repent. Be ready, for the time of repentance has come and the time of intervention is ripe. Believe in it and rely on the love and intercession of your dearest Heavenly Mother and your Rose Queen of Heroldsbach.

You, My beloved little flock, have endured this night of atonement in prayer and sacrifice in the domestic church in Göttingen. Unfortunately, you will not be allowed to go on a pilgrimage to Heroldsbach, because you too would like to make the effort. But the prayers and hours of atonement in your domestic church will be fruitful, even if you cannot recognize it. Much is hidden from you. But what you do not see, believe in it, because the heavenly Father is behind it with His plan. Our Lady, your dearest Mother, takes you in her arms because you have put the love of the Heavenly Father first and do not leave Him in His suffering. He is the Greatest, the Creator of all things and the Regent of the Holy and Apostolic Church. He never gives the scepter out of his hand, because the authorities have not fulfilled his wish. This false prophet unfortunately sits on the highest chair and mistakenly occupies this highest office. But the Heavenly Father always knows what to do, because the Catholic Church will never go under. Even in the worst times, when you want to trample everything on the foundation of faith, the True Church will rise gloriously.

Look forward to it, My beloved ones, because you persevere and you stand by this New Glorious Church. Your wish will come true.

I thank you as Heavenly Mother for your perseverance, for all your love, for all your prayer. I, as Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach, now bless you with all the angels and saints, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are the beloved ones of the Heavenly Father and My beloved ones, you, the children of Mary and Father. Amen. You are always the beloved ones. Look at the plan of the Heavenly Father, which will be fulfilled. Amen.


