Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
The Need is Very Great at the Moment, So Many Will Grasp at This Straw.
The message of December 13, 2018 is earth-shattering and enlightening for everyone in the present so difficult time. It is a help for every believing person.

The message of December 13, 2018 is earth-shattering and enlightening for everyone in the present so difficult time. It is a help for every believing person.
The need is momentarily very great, so many will grasp at this straw.
December 13, 2018, Fatima and Rosa Mystica Day. Our Lady speaks into the computer through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne at 11:45 am and 4:10 pm.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your dearest Mother, the Mother of Victory and Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, give you some instructions today to make your life more real. Remain in the truth, My beloved Marian children, and do not be distracted, because it is the time of confusion.
I now want to prepare you for the birth of My Son Jesus Christ and for the soon coming of the Savior. Believe in these communications and enlightenments, for they are of importance to all of you.
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I am the Mother of the Son of God and also your Mother. I am concerned about you and want to introduce you to the whole truth at this time.
It pains Me very much that My priest sons, above all My authorities do not live My purity and prefer homosexuality. I have exemplified purity to you and have become your example. Beloved sons of priests, consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart so that you may be protected. It is urgent for all of you in this faithlessness, because you are straying and no one will guide you. You will be lost forever if you do not turn back. I will show you the way.
Unfortunately, the Ten Commandments, which are supposed to be your guide, have been abolished, because grave sin no longer exists today. One no longer aligns oneself with the 10 commandments. One ignores them and makes one's own laws, which are supposed to bring relief to everyone. But they drive into confusion and into grave sin.
How will you, My priestly sons, answer for this before the eternal judge? Once all of you, each one of you, will stand before the eternal judgment seat. Then it will be too late to repent. Therefore, confess your guilt in a worthy Holy Confession and celebrate the Holy Communion in truth, as My Son Jesus Christ instituted it, in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, as the tradition prescribes. Do not twist the words, for they are sacred.
My children, why have I, your Heavenly Mother, been thrown out of the Catholic Churches? Do I not belong there? Why have I become a burden to the Catholic Church? I am the Mother of all and have given birth to the Son of God. I want to give birth to Him anew in your hearts at Christmas.
I do belong in the liturgy. How many Marian feasts are there in the calendar year? You are to celebrate these feasts in all reverence and they are to guide you.
I am the mother of beautiful love. I pour the love of God into your hearts and you will feel it. Whoever consecrates himself to My heart is also connected to the heart of Jesus at the same time. This love will automatically pass on to other hearts that are ready to receive this love and whose hearts are receptive.
I am the bride of the Holy Spirit. I teach you the discernment of spirits. Whoever entrusts himself to Me will not go astray and stray, for the Holy Spirit will show you the way. You will learn to distinguish between good and evil. The Evil Spirit will not seduce you, even if he tries. You will always return to the truth. I will accompany you on your way and you will feel it.
Even if your path will be hard and rocky, enlightenment will take place in your hearts, for I will not let My children of Mary go astray.
In how many places of pilgrimage do I cry tears, even tears of blood. But one does not believe in the supernatural. One wants to fathom it by natural means and rejects My help. This will only bring disaster to all.
My beloved Son will want to take the lead in the future. One has dishonored Him and no longer believes. One serves various idols and rejects the help of the sacraments. One dishonors them, so that one has introduced intercommunion. Everyone can come to the Lord's table, even one who is in grave sin and does not want to distance himself from it.
The seven sacraments are part of the Good of Faith and must be observed in any case. Otherwise, you are in grave sin, because you are no longer professing your true Catholic faith. You then tend towards Protestantism or ecumenism. Be vigilant, My beloved children of Mary, because the evil one wants to lead you away from the true faith. He is cunning and can seduce you if you believe the hypocrisy of the different religions.
Now, what about the government in your homeland? Do they want to take away your culture and your German land? Do they want to rob you of your tradition? I want to protect you.
I want to give you the instruction that this government must be overthrown, because Satan rules in the Masonic machinations. Do you not realize that Satan wants to celebrate his triumph? You must go against it with the help of God. In the facts of this governmental person, there is also the possibility of accusing him/her of genocide and treason. This must be tackled now.
My beloved ones, it is Heavenly Father's providence that a meeting is to be held on Friday, Dec. 14, at 2 p.m.. Make your resolutions in unity and remain calm. The Holy Spirit will inspire you. Rejoice one another and persevere in gratitude to be able to make the decisions that will serve the German people.
Moreover, put the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the foreground, for without the Divine Power and without prayer you can achieve nothing.
My beloved ones, these ruling parties have brought Germany to ruin and the German country will thus lose its very own and existing vocation.
Therefore, believe that Heaven wants to intervene and align yourselves completely with Heavenly Father's will. Then everything will succeed. Show your patriotism and fighting spirit and move forward with all zeal.
Until now, things have been going downhill. The diabolical plan of the Freemasons must come to an end. You know, My beloved ones, the Heavenly Father always intervenes last when there are no other options left. He is the All-Powerful and All-Knowing Triune God who holds the scepter securely in His hand. He will not let it be snatched out of his hand. Believe and trust, and the Holy Spirit will guide you. Your Heavenly Mother will be with you at all times.
And now about "marriage for all", My beloved children. Homo couples are already being married in the various dioceses who also want to adopt children and this possibility is given to them. This is also a devil's plan to eliminate the Sacrament of Marriage. There are hardly any valid marriages anymore, because premarital relationships are increasing rapidly and partnerships are being changed more and more. You see, the Sacrament of Matrimony is no longer sacred. It is being dishonored. The individual couples are becoming unhappy in their relationships because prayer is being completely disregarded. My beloved ones, can this be true and in the divine sense? No, certainly not.
The unspirit has entered everywhere, for unbelief is taking on sharper forms. If faith is not at the center of every life, nothing can succeed.
Right now, there is complete chaos. Nowhere is there unification and satisfaction. I want to guide you so that life becomes worth living again and you return to the roots of life itself. The value and meaning of each person have been lost.
Where is charity? I, your Mother in Heaven, want to lead you back to true love. The Heavenly Father wants to realize His plan in you. If you align yourselves completely with His plans, order and contentment will come.
If you only knew, My beloved children, with what love I surround you. I take you all under My protective mantle, for no harm shall come to you.
Satan thinks he has already won his victory. He rages in your persecutors. They have become hypocrites and traitors. They think that their plan cannot be figured out. But the divine plan is certain. No one can fathom it and break through it.
My beloved Marian children, be the instruments of Heaven, for you are guided. Never become proud so that the evil spirit cannot work in you. Love will work in you and you will be looked upon. Amazed, you will stand before riddles, because the Heavenly Father does not allow Himself to be looked at in the cards.
My beloved ones, use the technology of the Internet, for it is for your communication.
Heavenly Father has advanced the invention and man is not the maker. Use it for your joy for the sake of Heaven.
I would like to urge you again, be of one mind and never fall into pride. In pride, Satan can reach your hearts. Remain in humility and place yourselves at Heaven's disposal as little instruments. Accompany all your works with prayer. Then you will always be connected with the supernature.
Beware of serious digressions of your actions and self-knowledge. Only the Holy Spirit should guide and direct you. If you feel to do your own works, beware of it and do not succumb to pride.
I will be your caring mother and support you in all situations. In special and difficult situations, I will provide you with a legion of angels.
Pray the Rosary daily, especially before important decisions. Do not miss a Holy Sacrificial Mass during the day.
I had the DVD filmed so that especially sick and elderly people can take advantage of this source of strength every day. Do not be misled that it should be invalid.
It does not correspond to the truth. Where should the many faithful who are tied to their hometowns travel? The place of the Tridentine Holy Sacrifice Mass is often far away. At the same time, they can also attend daily adoration, which is included on the DVD.
My beloved faithful, the Heavenly Father has thought of you that you should not feel left alone. I am with you and you will not be lonely if your acquaintances turn away from you because you take up another way of faith, and that is the true faith. They will soon feel that they themselves are the losers.
You are on the right side and you will be marveled at quite soon if you persevere to the end.
There will be a tremendous upheaval in the Catholic Church quite soon. People will turn to you because they will not get proper information worth living from the priests. The Catholic Church will shrink to a remnant church.
They will want to read the true faith from you. You will be prepared for the New Church, for this one has been completely destroyed. The abuse of children is taking on greater and greater forms, for all offenses will be exposed. This present modernist church will be called to account. The ministers must be suspended from their previous duties.
Once you were persecuted and called sectarians. But now everything will be exposed and you will have to be believed. Your strength of faith will come to light. The hierarchy will have to repent of its transgressions, for the present church is finished. It has been completely unhinged. Too much room has been given to modernism.
In the near future, the popular altars will be no more and sacrificial altars will take their place at . There will be sacrificial priests at the sacrificial altars celebrating the Holy Sacrificial Meal of My Son. Unprecedented things will take the first place. Everything will be different in the Catholic Churches, because they have turned the temples of God into dens of robbers. This will come to an end, My beloved ones. People will feel comfortable again in the Catholic Churches and apostasy will dwindle.
Believe and trust My beloved and persevere in prayer with one accord.
I love and bless you, your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be ready, My beloved ones, for you are surrounded by Heavenly forces. Do not give up and remain united in prayer. Take the cross on your shoulders and be vigilant, for the evil one still exercises his power.