Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Message from Jesus

“My child, this life is a pilgrimage, an opportunity to come close to Me, learn lessons of love and forgiveness, and to learn about My love and movements in love. Then when the pilgrimage brings a soul to its absolute holiness, because of each soul’s choices in life, I bring each soul to heaven or for those who choose otherwise, to hell.”
Jesus, You have said, on other occasions a little about people’s choices. Am I to understand it is completely our choice to go to heaven or hell?
“Yes, My daughter. Each soul has the opportunity to choose heaven or hell and this is a lifelong and a daily choice. Some souls living in darkness choose hell, but then because of peoples’ prayers for them, My angels’ hard work, and the prayers of saints, their hearts can change and choose heaven. If they choose heaven and Me, even after living in darkness, I will save their souls from the evil one and bring them to heaven, often by way of purgatory. However, it is difficult for souls to choose heaven after living an evil life because the soul is in such bondage and has come to believe the lies of satan. It is most difficult, not because God lacks the power, but because the soul must choose God and it is something difficult, though not impossible to do. It takes many graces and much prayer and fasting from others on behalf of a soul in darkness. That is why I need many families praying for the conversion of sinners. Thank you for setting aside the time in the evening for your family rosary. I am saving souls through your prayers. This seems unlikely to you?”
Lord, I know You can do all things. It just seems like an easy thing for us to do, and to think through our 30 minutes of praying a rosary, souls are being saved? You are so merciful, Jesus.
“Yes, My daughter. Your Jesus is most merciful. I long to save My children. You are being obedient to Your Jesus even though at times, it is tempting to skip your family prayer time, you persevere. This brings forth graces from heaven which are used to save souls.”
*The reference Jesus made to souls choosing hell, refers to them choosing while they are still alive on the earth. By means of many graces from God, souls can turn away from living in darkness, choose God and follow Him while they are still alive.
In reference to our children, Jesus said to reach out to them with “little messages of love.” He went on to say the following; “Little messages with thoughtful and loving statements will keep their hearts open to your love, and My love through you. Their hearts are heavy and this will give them light and a renewed sense of hope. Parents have graces that only they can give their children and this is part of God’s special value placed on parents. Ask My Mother to give you the graces you need each day and She will.”
Ok, Jesus. I often forget about this, but will try to remember every day.
“Write it down, My daughter, with your other prayers. This is important especially in these times. If it were not so, Your Jesus would not mention it. All is for your good and the good of your family. Graces flow through you and all of My children out into the world. You must ask for these graces. My Mother has many graces from the Father and from Me that go unused. There are special graces for conversion during this time like no other time in heaven. Remain in a state of grace, frequenting the sacrament of confession. I am pleased you met me there yesterday. Continue this practice, My child. I love you. Go in peace and bring My love to others.”
Source: ➥