Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You, adore You, and praise You.
Thank You that You wait so lovingly for us to visit with You, sweet Jesus. You are my Lord, my God, and my all. Thank You, Jesus for granting us safe travels, Lord and for protecting our home while we were away. Bless those who could not be on retreat and were unable to meet with us. Thank You, Lord for the graces You poured out on us during our retreat. You are so very good to us, Lord. I love You. Thank You for Your mercy, Jesus!
“My daughter, I am pleased to see you and your husband. Your God is grateful for your visits and for each and every prayer prayed for your brothers and sisters. I await all of My children’s visits to adore Me in the Holy Eucharist. Would that more of My children visited Me.”
Jesus, I sense that you are very solemn. Are you, Jesus? Are you sad, My Lord and Savior?
“Yes, My child. It is as you say. I am sad on this holy of days, for many, many of My children preferred sleeping in very late, over attending Holy Mass. My children chose their late nights of socializing and entertainment, followed by a day of laziness or leisure to what I have asked, that this day be honored as the day of the Lord. I desire this day of the week to be a day of prayer, worship and a day of rest. Instead, after a late night of carousing and lewd conduct, My poor children nurse hangovers, sleeping late, and arise to watch their favorite sporting channel on television or attend their favorite sport. This, My child causes great sadness in Your Jesus’ Sacred Heart for My children follow a pagan life style rather than following Me. Paganism leads one on the path to eternal death, whereas following Me, the Christ, leads one on a path to eternal life. My little lamb if you only knew the number of souls who have stopped going to church on Sunday, and the number who have never gone to church, you would be appalled. This number of souls is too numerous for you to comprehend, My little child. Far fewer are the souls who faithfully attend Mass or church services. Even fewer are the souls who truly follow My law of the Sabbath which is now observed on Sunday. My child, the Commandments of My Father hold just as much importance now as they did when the Father gave them to Moses for all His people. These are “rules” to live by, My little one. To know of them, and to disregard them is to choose death. My children, I beg you, I plead with you to choose life, given to you as a precious gift from God the Father, the Creator. Do not choose death. You were created for life, so choose life. Choose Me! I love you, My children. Come be part of the family of God. Be children of light. Do not be children of darkness and death. Be My sweet, children of light and life and have peace. The peace you seek can only be fulfilled by following Me. For the world cannot give you peace. Peace comes from the very heart of God and therefore can only be given by God. My foolish children whom I love very dearly, you are destroying yourselves and your families by your continual bad choices. Turn away from these temptations that jeopardize your souls and choose Me, Your Jesus. Do not think that by choosing Me, your life will become dull and boring for that is a lie of My adversary and yours. Following Me, is an adventure of a lifetime. Come, My children. Try this life of holiness and peace which brings great and lasting joy. Come now; What do you have to lose?”
Thank You, Jesus that you continue to invite us to share in Your life and in Your love. You are most merciful, Jesus. I love You.
“And I love you, My daughter. I walk with each child created by the Father and I await an opening to penetrate their soul with My Holy Spirit. I love all of My children.”
Thank You, Jesus. Lord, have you anything else to say to me?
“Yes, My child. The time that I have told you about is nearing and is approaching soon. Children, you must change while there is still some time, for if you do not, it will be too late.”
Jesus, You have said ‘soon’ in many other messages. Is this soon in Your time or ‘soon’ in our time (our frame of reference)?
“This is soon in My time and in yours, My child. There is no time left to waste. Your Jesus has spoken to you on several occasions regarding the evil that abounds; have I not?”
Yes, Lord. You have.
“My daughter, souls must repent and return to Me, their Savior before it is too late, for conversion is critical during this time in history. That is why My Father has been sending My Mother to the world like no other time in the history of the world. Still, very small are the numbers of My children who listen to and heed Her words. Come children, and repent while there is still time. The day is growing shorter and darkness is all around you. Come, while there is still some light.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You. Lord, I am very tired from the events and work of last week. We never seem to get caught up on sleep these days, Jesus. I feel this is just going to be the way it is for the time being. I offer this fatigue to You, Lord and ask that You use it as You will. Thank You, Lord that You bring purpose and meaning to the small crosses in our lives. Thank You for the opportunity to suffer, Lord.
“I accept your offering, My little one. I, Your Jesus am grateful when you offer your crosses to Me. There would not be so many crosses if more of My children would accept their own. Many graces go unused as a result. Thank you My Children of the Renewal who offer your daily crosses to Me, Jesus. Thank you, My generous children. I am a grateful God when My children try to please Me.”
Jesus, please forgive me for the times I have sinned this week, have been grouchy or irritable and defensive. I am sorry for the times I acted out of impatience instead of out of love. Please forgive me, Jesus and restore Your love and peace in my heart. I want to love in union with Your Sacred Heart and Your Holy Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Please give me a heart of love, Lord.
“My little lamb, all is forgiven and forgotten. I forgive you, My child. Come, do not be discouraged for the path to holiness is narrow and at times, My children stumble and trip. This is understandable for in life there are many tempters who work to bring frustrations to the surface. Do not be unsettled when this occurs. Recognize that you are experiencing a time of unease and ask Me, Your Jesus to grant you peace. Tell Me your feelings and what it is that is bothering you. Do this before you lash out at someone or appear displeased with them. In this way, I can assist you before you fall. In this way, your growth in holiness will proceed at a more rapid pace, for you will be given insight into the things, people, comments, etc., that cause frustration or trigger past memories, and open old wounds, as they say. I will provide graces for healing, understanding and love, My child. Bring everything to Jesus and together we will examine each and every struggle you face. I have the answers you seek My daughter. I and only I see into the depth of your wounds. I know each and every one of your wounds, what caused them, and what is needed for healing. I am also the greatest physician of all, and I know the prescribed remedy. I apply specific graces, needed to heal every wound and in this way, bringing each issue, concern, temptation to Me, I can heal you and together We continue on your path to eternal salvation, My Kingdom. Seek and do My Father’s Will, My children and you will enter into My heavenly kingdom when your earthly work is done. Come, My children. Bring everything to Me, Your Jesus. I love you and I will never abandon you. I will love you no matter how great your sin, only bring it to Me, My children, for how else can I help you? Do not fear. I will not reject a repentant soul.”
Thank You, merciful Jesus. Thank You, loving Redeemer. I love You. I praise You. I adore You.
“My little lamb, you received many graces at the meeting you and your family attended. My Mother and I were present with you and we were pleased to be in your company (all who attended). My faithful children who struggle to do My Will and to answer My invitation to follow Me, to change the direction of your life and to hold fast to the hem of My Mother’s mantle, fear not! For I am with you. My Mother is with you, also and will keep you safely under Her mantle of protection. Do not fear these changes I ask of you, for they are for your protection, for your families’ protection and for those I will send you. If it were not so, I would not ask such radical change in the lives of My little remnant. I desire your well being and I desire My children dwell in the safety of holy communities. I ask much of you My children, I realize and yet, you will be filled with many graces to do what it is I ask of you. I will give you deep joy, as well as peace. Be assured, I Your Jesus will never abandon you, My children. Even if you do not choose to follow the path My Mother and I have laid before you. Even if you do not accept the plan for community. For those I have personally invited to new life in community, should you say ‘no’, I respect your decision. I desire the best for My children, however, I have also given you the gift of free will and you are free to choose. I urge you, however to follow My plan, and that of My Mother for this is what will be best for you and for your families. Still, I love you, no matter what you decide. My daughter, you are hesitant about this act of acceptance from Your Jesus. You struggle even as you write, but I am pleased that you convey this message from Me to My children.”
Jesus, I know how You have taught about the gift of free will and it is such a beautiful gift, which also comes with great responsibility. I am a little surprised to hear You making it sound ‘ok’ to go against Your will. I mean this only in context of the urgency of the times and also because Your will is truly what is best for us.
“Yes, My daughter. It is as you say. However, there will be some who have been called, invited and are needed in specific communities, who will deny My Mother’s invitation. This is the sad reality, My little one. I want to assure these children of My love, even if they do not accept My invitation to build a future with hope. There is still an open invitation to follow Me and they are able, just as those who came before, to enter into My Kingdom. Of course, you know this but I state it in such a way as to make it obvious to you, My little lamb. Entering community does nothing to guarantee one’s salvation, but it will certainly be more attainable. It is also the way and a means of physical protection, for My Mother and I will protect Our holy communities established under the mantle of My Mother. This is the future for My world, My daughter. Each child of Mine has a special role and mission and I desire this be fulfilled in their lives. My children have the freedom to choose, however. I love you, My children and that will never change.”
Thank you, Jesus for Your love and for Your mercy.
“My child, you are concerned for those who will not desire to live in community?”
Yes, Jesus I am.
“And rightfully so, little one. Rightfully so. Pray, My child. Pray for My Mother’s fledgling communities. Pray for those leading each community and pray for those who refuse to live in community. Pray for those who do not have and do not know about living in community, but will flee their homes to live in refuges. My Father provides many avenues of protection and that is why there are new communities forming in various parts of the world, as well as refuges being established. Many refuges have already been established for quite some time, and every day another refuge is added for the protection of those who are Mine. Pray for those who will flee their homes in search of refuge. Pray, My child, pray. Many lives will be taken during the flight into ‘Egypt.’ Many, many lives will be lost. I repeat, pray, pray, pray My children of light. Souls are at stake. It is not My will that such death and destruction prevail, My little ones. Your Jesus does everything to hold back this great battle and yet it is up to you, My children to give Me your
‘yes.’ In this way, My Father’s plans will be fully realized and you will be protected. I do not guarantee the outcome for those who live outside My Will, for evil prowls throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. To live outside of My Divine Will is to leave the mantle of protection. I love you. Love Me, dearest children of My heart. Return the love of Your Jesus.”
Jesus, I feel as if Your heart is pleading with us. Your love is very intense. Your heart is large enough for all and reaches out to us with such mercy and kindness. Oh, if everyone knew how gentle You are, Jesus they would run to Your embrace and do all You ask. And yet, how frequently I disappoint You Jesus, and say things before asking what You would have me say. I still have not learned to speak and act completely in Your will, so I understand that others may not, yet either. Jesus, please change us and do so quickly, Lord, since time is growing so short and the hour of darkness is upon us. This also means the hour of mercy is also upon us. In Your mercy, Lord hear and answer My prayer. We, Your children desire holiness, dear Savior and this is impossible without Divine intervention.
“My child, this is a pleasing request. I could fill you with grace for complete transformation in a moment if I so desired. There will be some, I will do this very thing, for their lives will be required in an act of martyrdom. For others, I desire the joy in the journey. For most, the path to holiness is filled with briars and brambles and these must be cleared in one’s soul just as brush must be cleared in the wild to build communities. Yes, My child, I could infuse you with such grace that you would be instantly holy. However, there is not as much merit in a case such as this, for the struggle of a soul is absent when I do it all for you. You understand this, My child when taken in this context?”
Yes, My Jesus. I understand. It would be like a parent or parents handing everything to their children without them having to do anything to earn these gifts and privileges. Instead of learning the value of work and the subsequent satisfaction in a job well done, they receive the fruits of their parents’ labor with little or no appreciation. Is this what you mean, Jesus?
“Yes, My daughter, this is a good analogy. I am offering My children the cross and the way of the cross. I will assist you to carry your crosses in life, but the way to salvation is the cross. In the case of holy martyrs, they are accepting the very heavy cross of martyrdom. In order to do so, in the face of great fear and utter confusion in many cases, I infuse these souls with graces to make the choice in alignment with the course of their lives. Holy souls need a vast supply of grace to choose Me in these final moments of their lives, since to do so (choose Me) will be the end of their earthly lives. As I have said before and often repeated, I do not abandon My children especially at the hour of their death.”
Thank You, My Lord and My God. You are all good and deserving of all of our love! Jesus, thank You that the work needed to build Your community is proceeding according to Your plans. Help us all to be patient and to trust in You and Your Holy Mother. Thank You that my sister bought a new house. Thank you for the location and for providing more land and food sources for their family. I praise You and I thank You, Jesus!
“My daughter, you may go in peace now, as you are very tired and have just returned from an important time of prayer and meetings. Again, you are unaware of the graces you and your family received on this recent trip. One day, you will know and you will all marvel at the gifts your generous Lord continues to bestow upon you. I granted very special graces to little (name withheld) who bore much suffering for souls during this difficult time. Through his suffering, the suffering of a little child, many souls benefitted including your souls and his. He received graces he needs for the future and for his specific calling in life. He has suffered much as a result of your family’s mission and he bears the anger from the tempter, for you needed to concentrate on the meeting. You will be very grateful to this little one for what he has taken so that you three can proceed on the path I have put before you.”
Jesus, I had no idea he was taking our suffering. That doesn’t seem fair for such a little one. We would all prefer to suffer rather than have him do so. He is so young and pure and he had no choice in the matter (going to the meeting).
“My child, My little one did have a choice. He chose to allow this and carried it for you, to the best of his understanding. He is My fiery one indeed and St. Michael protects him. My little one wants to do his part for your family’s mission. He wanted a ‘job’ in addition to supervising the door and he allowed his Jesus to give him a small cross, which felt very big to him. He regretted it only a few times, but still did not relinquish it to me. (name withheld) is a holy, little warrior of mine. Tell him, His Jesus is very pleased and that I love him and bless him. Now, go in peace for I, Your Jesus have all under control and in My perfect plan. I love you and I bless you in My name, in My Father’s name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Be love.” Thank you, Jesus. Amen!
Source: ➥