Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Jesus, my Lord, my God, and my all, I am glad to be here with You today. I adore You, my Jesus, my Redeemer. Thank You for the many blessings You have given me and my family.
Thank You for my friends, my family, this country, Lord. Bless us, Jesus and lead us to Your Way, the life of the gospels. Forgive me my sins, Lord and increase my capacity to love You and to love my neighbors. Help me to be open to the graces You desire to give me for an increase in holiness. Accept my sufferings, Lord and use them as You will. Bring others to faith and belief in You, Lord God Creator of all life. I pray for those who have not yet experienced Your love. Send holy souls to them, Lord and may their hearts be open to the Good News, the Gospel. Thank You for this first Sunday of Advent. Prepare my heart, Lord for Your coming. Make my heart open to Your Divine Light so that through Your grace, and if it be Your will, Your light will pass through me to others. Shine Your light in the darkness, Lord and illuminate our path so that we will see clearly the way You have laid out for us. May I be in the heart of Your Divine Will, in Your Sacred Heart, Jesus. May You draw me into the refuge of Your merciful, Sacred Heart where only love is known. Make my heart a flame of pure love for You, Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I place all of my trust in You. You alone are worthy of complete trust, Jesus.
“My daughter, quiet your heart and receive My peace.”
Yes, Jesus. I welcome Your gift of peace. I invite You to dwell within my small, imperfect heart. I love You, my Lord and my God.
“And I love you, My child, My beautiful daughter. Allow Me, your Jesus to console you, to comfort you, to reassure you of My love and of My presence with you. I walk with you and I help to carry the heavy burdens that are on your heart. I see the love you have for your son and your other children. Heaven prays for your son and for you. My child, rest in the heart of your Jesus. I walk with him as I walk with you.”
Thank You, Jesus. Your words of encouragement are very consoling. Jesus have You anything else to say to me?
“Yes, My daughter. I wish to tell you that I console every parent who weeps for their children. I see their tears from love pour forth from hearts, heavy with burdens, heavy with grief. Give every burden to Me, My children of light for I am merciful. I care for each and every concern of My little apostles of love. You concern yourselves with following me, your Jesus and I concern Myself with you and all that matters to you. Trust in My holy will, Children of light. Your Jesus will never abandon you.”
Thank You, Jesus. There are many parents and grandparents who grieve for their children, who long for their children to walk with You. We know You do not abandon us, Lord and I pray that we will not abandon You. Lord, sometimes it is difficult to know what it is You would have us do for our children. It becomes clearer in prayer, sweet Jesus and for that I am very grateful. Console other parents going through trials, Jesus. Help them to lift their eyes to Heaven as You continue to help me to do. Praise You, God for being such a loving Father. Thank You, Blessed Mother for loving our children and being close to them when we often cannot be for so many reasons. Thank You, dearest Mother most holy for taking the hands of our children, and leading them to Your Son.
Blessed Mother speaks: “My daughter, I am a Mother and as one who loves Her children completely, I understand your motherly love. Continue to petition Heaven in this most difficult time in your family’s journey and I assure you, many graces for peace, love and even joy will be given to you and to your entire family. My Son is all good, and He can be trusted. I assure you, My darling that He is working in these circumstances for good, for His holy and pure will, for His greater glory. My Son has a plan for your son’s life, one that will come to fruition. There is further healing required for your son to move to the next level of love and trust in My Son, Jesus In order for your son to be prepared for his calling, there is more work needed in his heart. As My Son has said, ‘All will be well.’ Trust in Him, My child. Continue to pray and seek His will for your life. He will look after your loved ones.”
Thank You, my dear Mother Mary. Please pray for my son and for all of our children and grandchildren. I love You and am grateful for Your intercessory prayer. I love You.
Jesus: “My daughter, My pure Mother Mary knows what it is to stand by watching the suffering of Her Son. She is especially in tune with the sorrows of Mothers in exile on earth. Confide in Her and ask for Her help and for all needed graces. She is most merciful, for She is the Mother of mercy. She loves Her children most tenderly and most passionately. She loved mankind so much so that She stood by Me during My crucifixion knowing this act of salvation was required for all God’s children, to open Heaven. She knew this My child, and this knowledge and Her pure and holy love, Her heroic love, enabled Her to stand by and to witness the most horrific event in the history of mankind. Her heroic love, Her selfless love, gave no consideration for Her own suffering or what Her life would be like without My physical presence on the earth. She unselfishly gave everything, every hope, every joy, Her life’s love, Her precious Son, for Her spiritual children’s salvation. She is to be greatly esteemed, for what other woman is to be compared to My holy Mother Mary? There is no comparison, My child, and yet, She wants Her children to be like Me in every way She longs to assist each earthly child to higher degrees of holiness. My Mother will help each one of you, My children, to become more like Me, to be closer to Me. Ask for Her prayers, children. Ask My Most Holy Mother Mary for graces from Me, for she delights in dispensing graces.”
Thank You, Jesus for sharing insight with me/us regarding Your Holy Mother, our Blessed Mother. As Your Mother, Jesus She had such intimate knowledge of You. She would have known (and knows) Your preferences, Your favorite food, Your gestures, Your expressions, Your concerns, and so many other small and beautiful tendencies. How close You and Your beautiful Mother Mary were while You walked the earth, Jesus. To love You, Lord is to love Your precious Mother Mary. Thank You for sharing Her with the entire human race. You are so very gracious, generous and benevolent. Thank You, Lord that You emptied Yourself out for love of mankind. Thank You for coming into the world, for taking on our human nature, for Your nativity. Jesus, prepare our hearts for Your coming. Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus come. I love You, my God and my All!
“My daughter, I love you and I receive your praises. They are pleasing to Me. I, your Jesus am also grateful; grateful for your love and for your cooperation with My plan. Though you do not see each step in My plan you trust in it. This is pleasing and unleashes great power, many graces, and enables the progression of My plan to proceed unhindered. I remind you to bring each and every concern to Me in the moment it crosses your mind. Bring your concerns to Me even before expressing them to others. This is what I would like all of My children to do. It is I who can affect the outcome of each circumstance in your lives. Allow me to be your confidant, dearest children of My heart, for I, your Jesus can then help you immediately. Do not hesitate to bring each and every concern to Me, My children. We are friends and as friends we share our sorrows and our joys. I love all of My children, and there are many, many who carry unnecessary burdens and many who make their burdens even heavier by carrying them alone. I am the only One who can literally lift the weight of your cross or can remove it entirely. I
assure you, My children there is no one else who has the power to do this, and yet many children complain to others and do not pray to Me for help with these heavy concerns. I am here, My children. I await your call for help. I await your conversation, your inclusion of Me in your lives. Come to Me, My children. Come as you are. I accept you and invite you to grow closer to Me, your Savior, your friend.”
Thank You, Jesus. Lord, is there anything else You wish to say to me?
“Yes, My daughter. This week will bring additional changes in the world. My plan is unfolding and will continue to do so. When you see changes, know that the Lord God is at work. Trust in Me, for My will to be done. Pray for those who are suffering and especially for those who are away from the church. It is time for those who are outside of My holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church to return. I invite you all to return to My Holy Catholic Church. Return to your family and to the Sacraments, dear children for My Sacraments provide the necessary graces for your journey on earth and to Heaven. I desire all My children to receive the Sacraments, providing they are well disposed and in a state of grace. My children, this is My will. I love you all, and long to lavish graces for healing, mercy and forgiveness upon My children. Live in My light; walk in My light.”
Thank You for Your words of life, Lord Jesus. Thank You for Your assistance with My sister’s illness. Please be with my daughter tomorrow, Lord. I wish I could be with her, Lord to help her. This is another suffering that I offer to You. Please keep her safe from all harm, Lord. Thank You for those who will stand in for me, Lord. Help me to drive safely and protect me as I go out of town. Bless all I will meet on my trip, Jesus. May each meeting with others be an opportunity for grace, for Your light to shine, Jesus. Lord, direct me in each decision and action this week. Help me to live in the light of Your love and to spread Your love to others. Give us the graces to love heroically that You desire for us, Jesus. Lord, thank You and St. Joseph for helping us with the house preparations and for being with my husband as he paints and prepares the house as You have asked. We need Your assistance and are thankful for it.
“My daughter, be of good cheer. I am with you and I go before you. I will be with your whole family. Have no anxiety about the time you are away, but only trust in Me, your Jesus. Recall the words from St. Padre Pio. He is a good spiritual father and will not lead you astray.”
Thank You, Jesus. He is very kind and offers such insight. Thank You for the assistance You allow the saints in Heaven to give us, Lord. It is sometimes difficult to live this earthly life, this pilgrimage, and the assistance allowed from Heaven is so needed and appreciated. Your mercy is endless, Lord.
“My child, My little lamb, I desire all of My children to ask for the intercession of the holy souls living in Heaven, in My Kingdom. This is My will and that of My Father. The saints are empowered in this time of history to be actively at work in the lives of My children on earth, more so now than ever before. This is due to the dire circumstances caused by the degree of sin and disobedience in the lives of My children on earth. Much grace is needed for My children to find their way to Me, and therefore My saints are very active in the lives of My children. Take every advantage of the opportunities provided for grace, My children. Do not waste this time of grace that God the Father allows at this time in history.”
Thank You for reminding us of this, Jesus. Thank You, Father God for this great opportunity and for the many, many graces You provide due to Your love and mercy. Thank You, Heavenly Father for creating us, for loving us into being, for caring for our spiritual and physical needs. Without You, we would not exist. Thank You, Lord that You loved us into existence. Thank You for sending Your Son to us for the salvation of the world. Thank You that You intervene in history in each and every event in our lives, Lord God, Father of All. Turn our cold hearts of stone into warm hearts full of love. Renew us, Father. Create in me a clean heart; Lord put a steadfast spirit in me.
“Thank you, My daughter for your gratitude to My Father. He deserves the gratitude of all people. He is all love, all wisdom, knowledge, truth and mercy.”
Yes, Lord! Jesus, have You anything else You wish to tell me?
“My child, this is all for now. I go with you this week. Be confident in My presence, and in My desire to direct your steps. We walk together and so that is why you are to be at peace, for when I assure you of My love, and My presence, there is nothing to fear, and nothing should disturb you. With each event, remember that I, your Lord and Savior am in charge. All will go according to My will. Rest in this knowledge, regardless of how things may appear, for I am at work in your life, in the life of your family and in the world. Continue on the path I have laid out for you, My children. All will be well. When moments of anxiety tempt you to fear or distrust, take My hand. I will hold your hand and we will continue forward. Nothing can harm you, when you are holding fast to the hand of your Jesus, your Savior. All will be well. Continue to lift your eyes to Heaven. We go forward together. Be not afraid.”
Thank You, Jesus!
“I bless you all in the name of My Father, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Be love, be mercy to others.”
Source: ➥