Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I am so very happy to be here with You today! Thank You for holy Mass this morning, Jesus! Thank You for the many beautiful scripture passages read today at Mass that reminded me of my Grandma. I miss her and have been thinking of all of my grandparents lately. I miss my parents very much, also but rejoice for them to be with You.
Lord, please give special graces to all those who are at (name withheld) house/chapel and especially on the priest who is there. Praise You, Jesus for Your holy priest sons! Please also bless all those who will be attending the prayer cenacle (MM of priests) at Holy Rosary today and especially (name withheld). Thank You for his vocation, Lord Jesus. Please give him special graces for all he is doing for Your holy Mother Mary. What beautiful priests you have. Help us to love and cherish them my Jesus. Lord, I also thank You for (name withheld) who so lovingly serves You and Your Adoration Chapel. She does so much for the chapel and for all of us who come here to adore You.
Lord, I pray for (names withheld) as they mourn the loss of (name withheld). Give them peace and consolation. Please heal (names withheld) and all who are ill. Bring them close to Your Sacred Heart. I pray for the repose of the souls of my parents and grandparents, (name withheld) parents and grandparents, and of (names withheld). Lord, I forgot to mention (name withheld) to you who is mending after surgery. Please help his recovery to be quick and smooth. I also pray for (name withheld) continued good health and for (name withheld) return to the church. I love You, Lord and I thank You for each blessing and for every loving encounter. Please bless each encounter and meeting with others that I have today, Lord, and direct my thoughts, words and actions so that all are within Your holy, perfect Will. I love Your adorable Will, my Savior. I love You!
“Thank you, My daughter, I love you also. I am glad to see that you are more at peace today. Yesterday was difficult for you, My little lamb. I know of your struggles and suffering. I was with you, My child. Thank You, Jesus. I don’t know why it has been particularly difficult for me to let go. Losing (name withheld) to Heaven (it’s not really losing him) has been much more difficult than I thought it would be. It seems I am saying goodbye to (name withheld) again, too for some reason. I’m even missing my grandparents now much more than I usually do. I understand why this is after Your explanation at Mass, but I just didn’t expect this. I am not unfamiliar with loss, either, but I guess one can never really be prepared for such a great change.
“You are correct, My child. I have prepared you, but until you step through large changes in life there is no way to be completely prepared. This is why I walk with you. My children must lean on Me during times of difficulty and sorrow, firmly rooted in My love. You are so rooted, My little lamb. This suffering serves to prepare your heart even more for those I will send you who will be grieving and suffering so. You will be empathetic and tender with them in light of your life experiences. You will have the opportunity to walk with them during a time of crisis in their lives and the time you and My son (name withheld) spend doing so will (in retrospect) be viewed clearly as a holy time. This is true of those who support and care for the dying, as they prepare themselves and cooperate with My graces, for their entry into Heaven. My child, these days are given to you to rest in Me, to be present to your family and to recover from the many people in your lives that you are mourning. Trust in Me, My child. You are doing what I desire of you at this time. I love you and I am directing your steps.”
Thank You, Jesus. I am grateful to You!
“My daughter, it is My Will that you attend the cenacle. There is important information awaiting you and in these times there is an urgent call to prayer, especially the prayer of the rosary. My Mother is assembling Her children and the times ahead are very urgent, indeed. Many, many souls are at stake.”
Lord, I do wish (name withheld) was going, but for some reason he isn’t interested right now. Perhaps You are not calling him to attend.
“My daughter, you have invited. That is all one can do, and he is free to choose.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“My child, I would welcome him being there, it is true; however, it is My Will for you to attend, and this is why I have worked everything out accordingly. You will gain wisdom from being present and I will give you many graces. My Mother will be present and She will pray with all of Her children. The time is ripe for Our children to gather in groups and pray the most holy rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. It is important now and for the future. Group prayer, with My holy apostles is especially effective in fighting evil and saving souls from the fires of hell. During the Time of Great Trials you will be praying in groups and those who have already done so will be able to lead those who have never done this, and in some cases do not know how to pray.”
Thank You, Lord. You prepare us all so well. Even so, I realize, as You said, there is no way to be completely prepared. I trust You to walk with us, Jesus and to remain with us during the upcoming difficulties and purification. Help us, Lord to grow in holiness and love. Help us to trust You more. That may be the best way to be prepared.
Lord, I’ve missed being here with You the past few weeks. Thank You for the time I was here on Friday, for first Friday Mass and Confession. It was very beautiful. Please bless (name withheld). I know our time together in Adoration today will be brief but it is better than not being here at all!
“Yes, My little one. I understand. You have had many missions of mercy lately, and I am pleased that you have put your own plans on hold for others. Thank You, My child.”
You are very welcome, Jesus. I was torn on several occasions, but decided for the acts of love. Thank You for the Adoration Chapel in (location withheld) where we were able to pray briefly during the visitation for (name withheld). Please continue to help the (names withheld), Lord. They must be extremely sad, especially (name withheld). Help him to know what to do next, Jesus.
Lord, help me to take full advantage of this time You are giving to me. I don’t want to waste any of it. Will You please help me to find a job? It’s not that I want to work, but we do need to pay the bills, groceries, etc. I know You will provide as You always do, Jesus. I trust in You. Jesus, I love You. Lord, I wish I didn’t need to leave now to go to the cenacle, but it will soon be time. Be with me, Jesus as the adversary often tries to disturb me when I try to do Your Will.
“I am with you, My little one, and I will protect you. For your part, do not fear or allow yourself to become anxious. Only trust in Me. Fear is useless, My child and so is worry. In all things be at peace. If you do not have peace, it is yours for the taking. All that is needed is to ask it of Me. I have an endless supply.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I love You!
“And I love you. Go now in My peace and with My blessing. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and the name of My Holy Spirit. All will be well. Remain in Me, as I am in you.”
Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥